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fishnetangel wrote
at 12:15 AM, Saturday October 17, 2009 EDT
benogo: your a bitch
benogo: thinking your having fun
dasfury wrote
at 6:20 PM, Saturday October 10, 2009 EDT
fishnetangel's turn
dasfury defended 4v1, 6 to 6, (2,2,1,1 to 6)
dasfury defended 5v2, 8 to 8, (3,1,1,1,2 to 6,2)
+3 dice
fishnetangel wrote
at 7:13 PM, Saturday August 1, 2009 EDT
i changed the pw. all is better
captainLAGER wrote
at 4:13 PM, Wednesday March 25, 2009 EDT
gave out her login to les and others. can never trust this account again.
fishnetangel wrote
at 8:17 PM, Sunday March 1, 2009 EST
Raise of hands: Who thinks I am messed up in the head?

*thinks about raising hand*

oh wait, how could an innocent little disney character be messed up in the head?
Kizzadaman wrote
at 1:06 PM, Wednesday February 25, 2009 EST
Your messed up in the head....
nuflis wrote
at 6:11 PM, Monday February 16, 2009 EST
I was going to post a goodbye thread, but I don't feel like sharing my thoughts with this community.

gg Kate, you know where to find me :)
kimmy382 wrote
at 8:01 PM, Monday October 6, 2008 EDT
hi fishyfishy
tsjombe wrote
at 5:06 PM, Monday September 15, 2008 EDT
Fish, you have sexy legs !! but really, i don't wonder why you have cold feet :p I will send you some Tom and Jerry socks !
kimmy382 wrote
at 5:04 PM, Sunday September 14, 2008 EDT
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary