Level 53
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 11:43 AM, Friday October 17, 2014 EDT by jurgen
stealing fishnetangel's contributor badge virginity

This player has been modded by the community

Requested ban lifted. +play Rage1313 1:03 AM, Friday April 27, 2012 EDT
Per user's request... "May only be unbanned by Me." Must meet sabbatical requirements to return. Welcome to return at anytime. In fact I insist that you do return. -play Rage1313 4:00 AM, Wednesday March 7, 2012 EST
Ready to play again +chat +play +post KDICEMOD 8:37 AM, Friday July 31, 2009 EDT
wanted the rest too... -chat -post KDICEMOD 8:47 PM, Tuesday April 28, 2009 EDT
She's an addict, and requested to be banned so she could study for exams. -play KDICEMOD 8:46 PM, Tuesday April 28, 2009 EDT

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« First ‹ Previous Reviews 11 - 20 of 80 Next › Last »

Pga with snmlmz. We did a fair roll off and when I won Fish killed me instead of snmlmz saying she didn't want it to look like pga...
TheBetterYodel on Wednesday November 4, 2009
Doesn't respect her own truces. She turn on you the minute it's good for her.
subzro85 on Monday October 19, 2009
Don´t trust her truce offerings. will turn on you as soon as she sees benefit for herself.
Peltsi on Friday October 16, 2009
his name describes him well. facker indeed. his only fans are his own alts. poor man. >>> Never played against you, also didnt play on the day you placed this review. So why this review? where you bored, and just randomly reviewing people based on their names? Please explain
FackFuce on Monday October 12, 2009
Won't allow people to roll. Kind of a dick move.
EvanParr on Saturday October 10, 2009
first flagged to me and then attacked me. dumbass
snert on Thursday October 8, 2009
I wish more players where like her <3
NeverShoutKatie! on Thursday October 8, 2009
good player and looking forward to playing again.
scarp8 on Wednesday October 7, 2009
never trust this bitch
mcdougs on Wednesday September 30, 2009
Stupid whore, who decides who gets the axe and who doesn't when she gets the upper hand. DO NOT TRUST HER!
herpof on Wednesday September 30, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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