Level 37
to level 38 |
angelica_73Freud would be interested in kdice
Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. pga with Hugo Cocoloco and another jerk. Watch out!
tommuc on Thursday May 6, 2010 i hate pga player like her!
The_Gel on Wednesday May 5, 2010 Good and fair player
Skarion on Wednesday May 5, 2010 Good player, would play with again.
StephenF on Wednesday August 19, 2009 You are still an obese biatch.
Donald Krunk on Wednesday August 19, 2009 probably pge u, not pga with others!
Mishel on Friday August 7, 2009 Freud will be interested in your sick brain. Bad player, who does not respect flags and who uses bad language all the time. Dont trust him , dont spare his life. Kill on sight or the moderator should ban this account forever.
Loser_krez on Friday August 7, 2009 acused me of pga
defect on Tuesday August 4, 2009 angelica, get a life. learn how to excuse. guess you are a nice and skillful player.
Jey Baker on Sunday July 5, 2009 -3 accuses others of being pga while hes pga himself
HUdf on Saturday July 4, 2009 |