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about blaise seasworthy: don take him seriously.. mindless complainer
RHAKI LE TIGRE on Monday November 10, 2008
very good in fighting for a position with farsighted operations. respected flags in all games i was in with her.
oio on Thursday October 23, 2008
Complete moron, attacks flags, refused to take last stack of last place player and continued to go after the 2nd and 3rd placed players who were flagged. Really a worthless player.
BlaiseSeaworthy on Wednesday October 15, 2008
I cant stand that guy, fucking jerk.
cruzader on Sunday September 14, 2008
It's a game of conquest. War. Sometimes you have to risk a 5v5 because there's no other way to better your position and waiting on the whim of others is even riskier than rolling the dice.
Improv42 on Saturday September 13, 2008
Flags then attacks
Reefer7 on Friday September 12, 2008
jwmba on Wednesday September 10, 2008
i think worst player on hole kdice... be careful!
Murmadamus on Sunday August 24, 2008
A big liar. Angelica is really a guy the way she talks about women...
crazycanadian on Tuesday May 27, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary