Level 60
to level 61 |
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Total douche bag!
Silas on Saturday April 16, 2011 pga noob
Flaaa on Friday April 1, 2011 pga with maci
khazim on Wednesday February 2, 2011 huhu mousy. when will i see you again?
ziegunther on Friday January 7, 2011 +15
Kyober on Monday January 3, 2011 good spelling but must work his reading comprehension
bortx on Friday December 17, 2010 A big thank you for let me keep my 1st while i got kicked out of kdice during ur fight for 2nd/3rd ... would have been so easy for u to take 1st and let me got lagged out and get 3rd. So thank you for your nice and fair play ! Good luck for your next games and i hope to see you soon :)
Mrs. M on Thursday December 16, 2010 PGA RETARD KILL THIS BITCH ON SIGHT
buhz on Saturday November 6, 2010 PGA with MACI and pady_e
ctfx93 on Friday October 15, 2010 a poop head extraordinaire
charibrahma on Sunday October 10, 2010 |