Level 60
to level 61 |
ldoAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. good player. funny too.
bobbidothechef on Wednesday April 17, 2013 weird player.
OmniPotentia on Friday March 1, 2013 Thinks trucing is wrong
actions on Wednesday December 12, 2012 Lol you didn't have to raise flag. Was gonna let u fight for 1st
BlueSucks on Saturday December 1, 2012 unfair player
Julo_ on Tuesday November 6, 2012 BACKSTABBER! DONT TRUST HIM!
akca03 on Saturday November 5, 2011 It's always surprising when someone ranked so high suddenly pulls out a string of obsenities and baseless PGA accusations just because he gets soundly beat. Noob squared.
Impeach_bush on Tuesday November 1, 2011 hey you
James Howlett on Sunday October 23, 2011 I didnt get to say bye or miss you. <3 keep in touch!
K8Dice on Monday August 1, 2011 Cheats with Aleksa_bre
TheBetterYodel on Monday July 25, 2011 |