Level 73
to level 74 |
rhcpkidAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. best username around. great player as well.
kudoukun on Sunday September 19, 2010 faked being away to ruin my game
bluff or not? on Saturday September 11, 2010 doesnt respect flags
Badshah on Saturday September 11, 2010 apart from the homophobia, the anger management issues, the bullying, the ignorance, the red neck attitude and the almighty chip on his shoulder, an absolute asset to any table
DJCrowther on Thursday September 9, 2010 Really dumb........... CAN'T READ!!!! Hazard to Kdice!
KrazyKat101 on Tuesday September 7, 2010 Cant read or something... doesnt respect flags.
Air33 on Tuesday September 7, 2010 takes this way too personally. lost a fight with me, then claimed credit for killing me when I was backstabbed by someone else
remark on Tuesday September 7, 2010 PGA with random_person DO NOT TRUST
perseeseen on Sunday September 5, 2010 just a big CUNT
Neo1976 on Monday July 26, 2010 or have problems reading, she is a moron
Fredste on Saturday July 10, 2010 |