Level 93
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 11:26 AM, Friday November 21, 2014 EST by integral
Dedicated member for the past few years, helping keep the members tournies alive. Thanks for your continued support of the site.

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« First ‹ Previous Reviews 41 - 50 of 120 Next › Last »

real asshole to chat pawn unfairly in tourney and doesn`t let you fight - he even srews higher ups like olk
G0D on Saturday January 29, 2011
Helped me out alot, even though he flagged to me he let me kill him to get stronger. Nice guy.
Killer78888 on Friday November 26, 2010
Screwed me over last tourney after my flag. Next times i'll remember that shit
olkainry38 on Sunday October 10, 2010
normally a good player, but SCREWED me over in a tourney game. Flagged me and then killed me. Worst backstab I've seen in a long time.
obscurehero on Saturday September 4, 2010
Debster on Friday September 3, 2010
franklyghost idiot players delte acc fuck,you sistr and beybi..maz biigg dick zou beybi..
bivo on Saturday July 17, 2010
happytoscrap on Sunday July 11, 2010
fair player=)
diceco on Monday July 5, 2010
stupid player , the worst for tourneys
jona_vicente on Wednesday May 26, 2010
nice player and good final at the tourney
Stijn85 on Sunday March 21, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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