Level 93
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 11:26 AM, Friday November 21, 2014 EST by integral
Dedicated member for the past few years, helping keep the members tournies alive. Thanks for your continued support of the site.

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Respectable and good player. Nice to play with him!
pityu on Sunday November 16, 2008
very dirty player hedidnt respect flag
hama on Sunday November 9, 2008
Pretruces with chodaboy. Kill him off as soon as you can.
Vercingetorix on Tuesday October 28, 2008
he dont sdeserve play game , only in PGA is
/wanted on Tuesday October 28, 2008
dosent respect flags.. complete homo.. i think his dad used to fuck him in the arse when he was a kid
DoggieStyle on Monday September 29, 2008
Expected me to kill a truce partner to let him live, and then left a nasty comment on my profile. Blech.
Vermont on Sunday September 21, 2008
plays like a dick, I don't trust him
grandgnu on Sunday September 21, 2008
franklyghost: red I will flag for 2nd... Then he fights for first. Dont trust his word, apparently it means nothing. I wasnt even red, I just felt this deserved a review.
DietBarqs on Sunday September 14, 2008
ScottyKarate on Sunday August 17, 2008
Decent player, kept a truce with me on a map where either of us could have cut the other in half if we had wanted to backstab, asked for room where he needed to get past, all round nice guy.
DrNick on Saturday May 17, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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