Level 93
to level 94 |
franklyghostThis player has 1 contributions to the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. DOES NOT RESPECT FLAGS! KILL THIS FAGGOT AT ONCE!! A TRUE CUM SWALLOWING BITCH COCK SUCKING FAGGOT!
_The_Joker_ on Friday May 8, 2009 Doesn't respect flags.
ADmiral-N on Tuesday May 5, 2009 this guy owns he took down a 3 player allience on his own hahaha this guy rocks
lloydy222 on Thursday April 9, 2009 nice player
popnorg on Sunday April 5, 2009 Perma-PGE List.
Dark_lunatic_K on Sunday April 5, 2009 does not respect flags...
scotty11 on Sunday March 22, 2009 PGA fuck, do not trust this kid. If you see him, eliminate him immediately. I say this as the esteemed player that I am, and I reiterate, do not trust this schmuck.
Veta on Sunday March 22, 2009 Begging ass!
REMCO_1 on Sunday March 22, 2009 don not flag to him.
beepa on Sunday March 15, 2009 i can't begin to tell you how much this guy used dirty language, attacks AFTER he flags, rationalizing by saying he was 'taking back' territory he lost. What???? so what we should all just go back to our starting positions???? he kept attacking me AFTER he flagged, so i took him out, and he got ticked like a little kid and left a false review on my page. Oooh now i'm gonna get all sad....
Phage on Friday March 6, 2009 |