
kdice ideas wanted
Pursey wrote
at 12:56 AM, Sunday June 18, 2017 EDT
Could I solicit from everyone, and yes I know there is a ideas section - but what I'd like to see is for everyone to list one new feature they'd like to see for the game (new badges, new comps, something), one thing they'd like to see changed (the design, the points system, whatever), and what is most important to them about kdice.

I want to know say, a few things from everyone. What keeps you playing, what would make you play more, and what you think would be cool to see, and what needs to happen most urgently. The ideas section will still be reviewed.

You can reply here or you can email them [email protected]

Thank you all in advance!
Pursey, kdice rules advisor

« First ‹ Previous Replies 41 - 50 of 94 Next › Last »
dasfury wrote
at 11:50 AM, Wednesday August 9, 2017 EDT
you aren't worried about people funneling kill bonuses?
ytz wrote
at 12:03 PM, Wednesday August 9, 2017 EDT
imo you should make a permanent, separate 1v1-table. like jurgen or the 7-field tables. right now you need to wait 45 seconds without someone sitting to start a 1v1 game.
Louis Cypher wrote
at 2:26 AM, Thursday August 10, 2017 EDT
Thanks Ryan and good to see you back working on this.

@das: it will be a tough job getting into top 100 through funneled kill-boni on 0 and 100 tables. Not impossible, but there are quicker ways probably. So this is not a major concern to me. Ofc, 800 funneled games on a 100 will get you ranked - but then, who does 800 games ;-)
Created wrote
at 5:13 AM, Thursday August 10, 2017 EDT
Loved the day of 1v1 etc...enjoyed it
Louis Cypher wrote
at 3:55 AM, Friday August 11, 2017 EDT
The day certainly had a lot of activity. Maybe it would be an idea to have it for the first 10 days of the month (or something like that)? I still think the possibility of even more significant funneling should not be given towards the end of the day, but quick progress at the start and lots of games going might increase the fun...
probabler wrote
at 8:40 AM, Friday August 11, 2017 EDT
@ Kdice people(Ryan):
Thank You for implementing 1v1 !!!
(because of unplagged vacations i had no chance to play it yet but i hope to have fun soon ;)

probabler wrote
at 10:22 AM, Saturday August 12, 2017 EDT
I played many games last two days on Jurgen elimination table and must say last changes work VERY good:

Waiting time is easy acceptable now + we got bonus from it:
games of 3-4 players are very interesting- maybe better than full table games.

One thing could be better:
with 3-4 players but little bit bigger number of lands we could have even more interesting games: less blocking at start => more ways to use skills.
mmcool wrote
at 9:53 AM, Tuesday August 15, 2017 EDT
Why don't you start with lags and hacks?
Vermont wrote
at 2:55 PM, Wednesday August 16, 2017 EDT
One idea: archive the current ideas section and use it for a new generation of ideas.
Liathan wrote
at 1:30 AM, Thursday August 17, 2017 EDT
Have AI fill in for missing players
Make real maps with real counties, just like risk
Partner with an university to get attention. There must be an university with interest in the data created here
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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