
PGA is Cheating
Ryan wrote
at 1:52 AM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
If you team up against other players without them knowing it is a very unfair way to play and is therefore cheating. If you can't play any other way its kinda sad. I really believe in the game and PGA is not part of it.

There are a bunch of guys that think it's discussion worthly whether this is a valid way to play and it's absolutely not. I've told them this but they get off on their own special aim group thinking they're the "titans of kdice" when really they have no credibility.

If players here think this is a valid way to play please post here so I can remove your account so the rest of us can play the real game.... and trophies gained from this invalid play should be removed too.

Kdice is a great game and I believe there are great players out there that don't need to resort to these cheap tricks. I will move the game towards this pure kdice style as much as i can. For now I'll just remove people who chose otherwise.

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Kehoe wrote
at 10:02 AM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
Grunvagr wrote
at 10:45 AM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
PGA = the act of purposely deciding prior to a games start that you and somebody else (2 or more) are gonna team up as allies or help each other place as high in points as you can. It can either be to pump one guys stats (other doesnt mind dieing) or for mutual gain to climb the top 25 leaderboard

it is contrary to everything kdice is about

the way I play is to win the games and I go for first at all times. I lead more revolutions and 2v1 endbattles than probably anyone else I know of, because its the purpose of the game. Do I squabble for place at the end, sure, but usually its once I realize I have absolutely no chance to win a game WHATSOEVER

pgas done over AIM or instant messengers to organize and call tables is wrong and against kdice

if you play the game tho and people like you and help you, and you have NO CONTROL over their actions, that's something else

My way of playing is to use humor, coupled with sound tactics and playing the game the way others dream others WOULD play, fairly, riskily at times, but always entertaining (cuts and well timed advances) and for the goal of winning.

If people like me because I entertain them, I cant stop them from helping me. Then again, the first week I got back, I got a ton of HEY GRUN!! when I sat, only to have old friends annihilate me just so they could say they killed the beast :)

it's all good tho

I am winning December.

and launching that kbook shortly after baby
rnd++ wrote
at 11:50 AM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.


gummo wrote
at 12:03 PM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
sorry for asking , but i'm new-ish
what is "pge" ??

(i understand "pga")
Grunvagr wrote
at 12:08 PM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
lol, is that from V for Vendetta?

great movie
kdicefreak wrote
at 1:11 PM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
i have been saying this for the longest time and i cannot even begion to explain how joyful and happy i am when i see this post.

in one of the posts, people said that there are no official rules the pga is cheating.....and now comes the official rule: PGA IS CHEATING. Thanks ryan.

kdice is ryan's creation and i just respect any decision that he made. i hate to say it but 'take it or leave it'.

any further discussion on whether pga is cheating is pointless. ryan has made that clear.

thanks ryan.
Kehoe wrote
at 1:28 PM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
Kdicefreak, you're a moron. We've been asking Ryan to make clarifications for so long it's not funny.
JDizzle787 wrote
at 2:04 PM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
hey kdicefreak. Suppose I sit in and I notice someone whom i'm friends with outside of kdice is at the same table. We chat it up and we don't attack each other. How about my brother, whom I don't see very much and we just hang at a table for several games. Just want your opinion. Is that PGA?
olkainry38 wrote
at 2:13 PM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
It's a very particular case.....
rnd++ wrote
at 2:22 PM, Thursday December 6, 2007 EST
unfortunately this rule will fall off the forum in a few hours, vanishing .. like...
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