
Integral rnd Montecarlo
leekstep wrote
at 11:44 PM, Saturday June 30, 2007 EDT

Most players have been pissed off lately by PGAs, secret ones that arent coordinated by actions on the board or in the chat box.

There was a group of people who seemed to be doing this the most, whom i call the cabal.

According to integral and montecarlo, The cabal is: cabal: rnd, riser, wishbone, dasfury, montecarlos, vermont, integral, bcmatteagles, x luck x, xcrobin

During my investigation, I met many people interested in taking down the cabal. The cabal would base their gameplay on instant messages. (the game to most people is about working the board and the chat box, deciding the game over a group of people on instant messenger is not part of the game). We even formed an informal team to take down the cabal.

Last month, our team decided that the best anti-PGA, and anti-cabal effort...
...would be helping X LUCK X beat rnd. Rnd had become cocky and everyone in kDice knew he was fixing games with people on IM. They would domfuck and manufacture finishes and make the game unnatural, elongated, and boring.

Our team succeeded in getting X LUCK X first, and I think we sort of taught rnd a lesson.

But then Luck had an elo that was undeserved and too high, and the cabal needed to PGA even more to compete with him. And so it went, IMs and PGAs intensifying (instead of teaching a lesson against PGAs, it only caused more).

This month i was able to infiltrate the cabal by chatting with them, and they started being nice to me. Eventually i was accepted by them and invited to join them in their cheating.

Mikeypoo has also wanted to take down the cabal, and I invited him to witness the cheating of the cabal.

I have attached the log for the first flagfest...
I beleive this is when Integral took first elo (see related news event).

There was a second flagfest (when Integral took first overall there is also a news avent).

Just by reading the public news events, everyone was able to see that Integral was winning his games in the first round or two.

Anyone who bothered to check the news can see that the game is ruled by a farce. A cheater broke the game to win it!

Please note that I'm hoping for immunity for me and Mikeypoo, because our only goal was to take these cheaters down. That's why we were involved, to spy on them.

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Cleopatra wrote
at 4:38 AM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
I think there is some conceptual mess in this discussion. May we try to define the terms more precisely?

Here is a list of examples of different behaviours, in the order from the most obvious pga. May you tell me please where pga ends?


1. Group of seven players fakes a series of games to allow one of them win them and build-up his elo, and as a result rank.

2. Smaller group, two or more players, sits together INTENTIONALLY, using also other means of communication, at a table with "regular" players, either to have benefit over the rest, or to allow one of them win.

3. A player who wants to maintain high elo asks one or two of his friends to sit together with him to help him win (or not to lose much). They agree, and their main goal in this game is to help this player. But they communicate only be kdice chat, with no hidden signals known only to them.

4. Two or three players sit together INTENTIONALLY at one table, they dont attack each other no matter what the situation at the board is.

5. Two players are non-intentionally at the same table, they consider each other to be friends, so they dont attack each other no matter what the situation at the board is.

6. Two players, who non-intentionally are at the same table, like each other and trust each other, so DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION at the board, even without saying it in the chat, cooperate at some stages of the game for mutual benefit, or for the benefit of one of them.

7. Two players, who non-intentionally are at the same table, like each other, but they make their desicions depending on the present strategical situation at the board, they attack each other if it is beneficial for the one who attacks; but when faced with a choice whom to attack, and strategically there is no difference, prefere to attack someone else, not the person he likes.


I know how great is human creativity, so for sure the list is not complete. You may also disagree with the ordering of them.

But - where pga ends? At which point? Where healthy friendship begins?
JKD wrote
at 7:37 AM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
If players a and b both do 6 and 7
and players x and y both do 6 and 7
and let's say they all know they have the same trustworthy playing style
but a or b shall never 'pga' with x or y because they're not pga buddies
then those are all unfair pga alliances.

All seven players should have a reasonably fair chance of winning. If you have an unfair 'pga' advantage there's no reason to seriously defend it.
JKD wrote
at 7:44 AM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
I included 7 as pga because unless the two options have very similar playing style, there's a strategical difference. If your friends only not attack you and so you don't attack them, then it becomes an unfair advantage (assuming they are unwilling to extend the same friendship to the other 5 players in the game). But if there's seriously no strategy difference, you could still always flip a coin instead of going with your friend ;)
digdug wrote
at 8:54 AM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
Cleo, that's a brilliant list identifying the ranges of PGAs. I think 1-6 can be called PGAs, #7 is OTF.
ilovethis wrote
at 9:35 AM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
I could consider in Cleo's post, #4 to be OTF, not pga.
AlmogBitton wrote
at 10:48 AM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
1-6 : pga
7: otf or w/e
CoMik wrote
at 11:00 AM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
@SodaPop: So my rating of 1409 is considered cheating because it doesn't match my skill level? I don't think elo ever truly matches skill level in a game of luck. It can come close but with luck streaks there are times with people hanging at a level they shouldn't, but that is the game...

@Xica: There is a reason Aixo can talk about OTF's, he's been around almost as long as I have, and the stats would have you think I'd never been 2k before either...and yet my table came from rating//score long before it came from donating. And who said you could come close to matching me in legit friends...

@Cleo: congrats on 4th 5th 6th, hopefully you can reach higher, and i think 4 is otf, and 3 has some gray area. It used to be that people wouldn't hurt the high elo back when Snufkin, I, Dutch, JTav, and the likes had 1st & top 5's, but now it seems that some people can be malicious, and is it really so wrong to have people there to restrict your losses when you may be singled out. That is a situation reserved more for that 4 Corners start that ever high elo fears.

@Aixo: Don't Expect the impossible from the Xica&DoND PGA Forum Posting Team

@Integral, Rnd, and Monte: Shame on you for not inviting me...You could have played my account up to the top, and pga'd me to a clear first, ryan wouldn't stop it
Crystallina wrote
at 3:25 PM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
I would say that when you get down to 6 or especially 7, it almost becomes subconscious.
lnfamous wrote
at 4:30 PM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
i propose two options for the month of october:

1) everyone battle it out on their own, including comik.
2) we all pga-fest to give comik the gold.

i prefer option #2. int, luck, rnd, wish, das, leek... yall up for the sit-out flagfests?

lnfamous wrote
at 4:34 PM, Thursday July 5, 2007 EDT
hmmm. another lesson learned. if you log out in gpokr, relogin as montecarlo, then post to the kdice forum... its not as montecarlo, but your next new account. monte, youre a flaming idiot.

and a lesson for the public. i got to 2000+ in 35 games. its not that hard, and its also quite enjoyable. people in the 1600 and 1800 tables are a good group.

except for one 'bahaduras' dude, who seemed noobish. HA!
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