Level 91
to level 92


Easy A: your such a pussy behind the key board...ill bet u got shoved in lockers when your where in school
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This player has 2 contributions to the community

Recognized on 10:52 AM, Tuesday September 2, 2014 EDT by Rowdyazell
stellar play during the first week of june 2007 while he was at the beach....good play ali
Recognized on 3:59 PM, Monday April 13, 2009 EDT by MOCOM
Good player!

This player has been modded by the community

I spoke to him and explained to him that he's under a 0 tolerance. 1 screw up and he'll be muted again from forums. He was Banned from forums about 5 months ago. I'm going to lift it and keep a short leash on him if he screws up I'll put it back on him. He's is a member and had 6 stars so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he'll be good. +post These cards suck 3:42 PM, Monday April 13, 2009 EDT
annoying forum posts -post Ryan 8:12 PM, Sunday November 9, 2008 EST
Play ability restored +play fiero600 10:02 PM, Thursday July 31, 2008 EDT
PGA's or any intent to help another player prior to a game is entirely unacceptable. Group efforts to boost the points of one player is not tolerated. This is a serious offense. Therefore, as a result, you are banned for 14 days. -play fiero600 11:52 PM, Wednesday July 30, 2008 EDT

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Gets third a lot.
Wicked! on Thursday January 3, 2008
kucinich says vote for monte in iowa
rnd on Wednesday January 2, 2008
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