Level 70
to level 71


Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons
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Accepts bribes. Mostly pga.
generalissimus S on Friday December 12, 2014
cheap piece of shit... discoed me out...
amazing grace on Friday November 28, 2014
Most Racist, untrustworthy jerk i ever seen. Please dont trust him.
dogiscan on Friday November 21, 2014
Honorable and trustworthy guy.
recooked on Tuesday November 11, 2014
should learn some manners and some decent way of speaking to people. Some good education would help too. Another inflated ego megalomanic who thinks the universe revolves around his incredibly amazing self. Does not even make you laugh, feel pity for him.
Giulio S on Monday November 10, 2014
Kills from the flagged position. Do not trust. Total PGA player.
-MD- on Monday October 13, 2014
2014-10-12 Preston is a Level 66 kdice jerk with two (2) trophies (88th, 84th). Preston accepted an early flag from another player and then whines and cries when anyone does something about it. Quoting from the forum: "Common misconceptions about the current flagging system. ... An early flag is essentially a truce offer. ... If you don't fight this behavior when possible, those players will win. You will see some people that ignore or even purposefully attack early verbal flags. This is a reasonable solution to this problem." There you go, Preston. Put up YOUR thoughts on this and see if anyone agrees. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ donth8: Hi Urbi ---------- donth8: good luck all ---------- Urbi et Orbi: nice little 7-stack ya got there? it would be a shame if anything happened to it [Note: I was trying to be funny about my own 7-stack in Round 2.] ---------- donth8: Purp, I am kinda stuck but I'd like to be friends :) [Note: donth8 was stuck behind Preston.] ---------- donth8: pleazzze ---------- Urbi et Orbi: counter everyone else? ---------- Preston: go out then ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i'll flag to everyone but purple and yellow ---------- donth8: wow, ---------- Preston: good red ---------- Preston: don't know what your problem is ########## [Note: Oh, yes Preston DOES know. Preston just does not like it.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: yes, it is good for the game ---------- Mongol_Horde: k ---------- Urbi et Orbi: keep your truces on the higher tables ---------- Urbi et Orbi: besides---even the forum says to do it ---------- Urbi et Orbi: counter an early truce ---------- Preston: contrived crap by you ########## [Note: Dear Readers, does anyone believe Preston believes this is "contrived"? We KNOW he does not believe it is contrived--Preston has two (2!) trophies. Preston knows how everything in Kdice works; Preston is just a baby who doesn't like being called out.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: so don't whine or cry about what is understood by your betters ---------- donth8: sorry i wasn't trying to be rude ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you are just another trophy jerk? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: is that it preston? ---------- Preston: red is a jerk on drugs ---------- Urbi et Orbi: we OWE you something, preston? is that it? ---------- donth8: I'll resign. sorry ---------- Preston: pathetic ---------- Urbi et Orbi: yes, you are pathetic, preston ---------- Urbi et Orbi: do NOT truce on the 0 tables ---------- Urbi et Orbi: especially in round 4 ---------- Preston: i didb;t truce ######### [Note: Preston knows better than this, Dear Readers. You know and I know that he knows it--he has two (2!) trophies and is Level 66. Why is he crying now? Because he is a kdice jerk and a baby.] ---------- donth8: didn't know. I haven't played in awhile ---------- Preston: your cut made it better for me to allow yellow out ---------- donth8 has left ---------- Preston: if not i would have taken it ---------- Preston: god for me ---------- Preston: good ---------- Urbi et Orbi: read the forum about early flags ---------- Preston: stupid asshole you are ########## [Note: Preston is a chat jerk, too. No surprise.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ah, you are a chat jerk, too, preston? of COURSE you are ---------- Preston: crackhead ########## [Note: Ad hominem attack; the first resort of the ignorant.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you got your double, preston: you are a chat jerk AND kdice jerk ---------- Urbi et Orbi: that is not all that rare, but still ---------- Urbi et Orbi: by the way, preston--i will accept your flag ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i do not care about points at all ---------- pszyman: flag teal ---------- Urbi et Orbi: gg all but preston ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i quit ---------- Preston: go smoke your crack ---------- Preston has left ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i would have been happy with 4th because we KNOW that preston needs all the points he can get--he NEEDS another trophy
Urbi et Orbi on Sunday October 12, 2014
Fair and good player respect for you!!
Idhrin on Thursday October 9, 2014
my name is Preston, so therefore you must be a good guy
AssaultPK on Monday October 6, 2014
preferes 3vs1 game style. Flags everyone when he is about to die.
bombejs on Monday September 29, 2014
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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