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Sat in the corner in 7th place and cried Flag, finished 3rd with 1 land 20 rounds later. No respect for this player.
Soromon on Saturday March 10, 2012
Ok, this is the game how it really happend : We were on a 4-table. I think you missed the begining of round 1, as you also missed the previous game. So, I had a pure start, 5 lands connected before anyone has moved. It made purp and yellow instantly flag to me. I now understand you missed that part of the game. A few rounds later, yellow was dead and I asked if i could move 'to clear the way', to let u and purp fight. Purp said yes and i asked you again because i didnt want to disadvantage you. You answered a few rounds later but i didnt get where you wanted me to move my stacks. I think this moment is key to the misunderstanding. You thought i asked for a truce, but actually, I was sure to get 1st as i had purp's flag since round 1. And you saw that i really clicked 'end turn' all game. I didnt advantage or disadvantage any of you. This is why i was angry you killed me tho you had say you would flag.
GreGGwar on Monday March 5, 2012
GreG, we were on a 3 person table. Purp offered you 1/2(a truce offer), so I countered by offering you 1st (a better truce offer); but you just sat, and allowed purp to take lands as he advanced towards me. So I interpreted that as you accepting his truce, forcing me to fight you both. I first attacked him for several rounds, and then turned my attention to you, since you had truced against me. It was a tourney, and I needed to get at least 2 on that table, in order to stay in.
franklyghost on Saturday March 3, 2012
took my land after i flagged him in a tourney. he claimed he didnt read it. which I doubt as it was sitting in the chat box for nearly 1 minute before his turn. cost me to lose the game, and the tourney. but he apologized, so not a total bad guy :) -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
CuteKittens on Monday January 2, 2012
dom whore/backstabber
Crazy Cheater on Monday November 7, 2011
bad player in tourneys, beware, and kill on sight!
Emirates on Tuesday September 27, 2011
very nice and respectful -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
KDICtEd on Sunday August 14, 2011
Boozinganimal on Friday April 29, 2011
His name is franklyghost. The first rule of diceclub, is, there is no diceclub. Let's make soap!
Prof Chaos on Saturday April 2, 2011
Very nice guy. Nothing bad to say about this person! :)
Skyler on Sunday February 6, 2011
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