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Recognized on 11:26 AM, Friday November 21, 2014 EST by integral
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asshole, ignores flags
ultimata85 on Tuesday February 24, 2009
Eats children.
shawing on Sunday February 22, 2009
attacked a flagged player - then insulted player who worked the death penalty on him
wuerfelzucker on Monday February 9, 2009
fair player
Caesar on Saturday January 31, 2009
Loser. Once he has control he wants to run the game, even when just in second. Chances are he either has a tiny penis, or she has an over large clitoris and feels self conscious.
Enjoi12 on Saturday January 10, 2009
i flagged to him and he ate half of me before telling me to reflag.
Vealesque on Friday December 12, 2008
Hey franklyghost, I am sorry you obviously didn't like the outcome of a game we played. I know you helped me and I in turn left you alone until everyone else had flagged. Since we didn't have a formal truce I gave the flagged player the benefit. I meant no offence to you and think you are a great player, so my apologies to you.
BraveFart on Wednesday December 10, 2008
flags 4th, then half way through a fight for 2nd, he gets me killed.. cutting me and taking out half my stacks...
Carlisle on Tuesday December 2, 2008
good player who respects flags
beerdead_gooch on Thursday November 27, 2008
Nice to play with, correct player.
dsaga on Wednesday November 19, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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