
Perfect time for a score reset.
MadWilly wrote
at 11:44 AM, Wednesday January 10, 2007 EST
Since everybody got wrong rated games and some players still sitting on points gained in okd scoring system, I say:
Fix the bug that did this and then,
Reset the score of everyone!

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JKD wrote
at 3:02 PM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
If you only play once a week to say relax for the weekend then all the high rated players shall be above you and it'll take a long time to catch up. There's a lot of other minor reasons too. With this scoring system the resets would give me a crash and burn feel.
fuzzycat wrote
at 3:13 PM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
JKD, you would realize the scores are worth shit?
fuzzycat wrote
at 3:18 PM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
its also a pardox:

people cry: gah, someone scored high, doesnt no longer play. He takes score out of the system, and lower people hardly can reach upper levels.

people cry: gah, when my scores goes, when I play very seldomly I am not amused. I want to play once a month, on a highscore table, with good people.

Now what?
JKD wrote
at 3:21 PM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
"and think a monthly reset would be a waste, there are better ways than rewarding active players instead of skilled players."

imo there are much better solutions to the problems you listed than a monthly reset.
fuzzycat wrote
at 4:11 PM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
"and think a monthly reset would be a waste, there are better ways than rewarding active players instead of skilled players."

You play the game for fun damm it!
What "rewards" to you want?
Vengeance wrote
at 4:30 PM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
Maybe if top players weren't so harshly punished and poorly rewarded for playing on tables that force them to play people 200-300 points below them, they'd play more.

Whatever punishment you give them for sitting on their points will have to be pretty big to overcome the existing incentives not to play (and that will really screw over anyone who happens to be away for a few days, by the way).
fuzzycat wrote
at 6:01 PM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
After a season-reset they will loose nothing on the beginning tables ;)
DonGaz wrote
at 6:37 AM, Friday January 12, 2007 EST
I totally DISAGREE with this.
Why reset?

Remember there are MANY players who build their way up to 2000+ in the new system.
Resetting their score would be punishing them!

The problem can't be that big that a reset is necesarry!

The only thing that I'm in favor of, is degrading points when you are not active: eg. 25 points for every week of inactivity, with a maximum of lets say 200 points. If you go on holiday, or for some reason can't play for couple of weeks, you don't want to start from scratch when you return.

so please: DONT reset!
TheGrid wrote
at 6:44 AM, Friday January 12, 2007 EST
DonGaz, "Resetting their score would be punishing them!".

What again, is actually taken away from you?
aliaiactasunt wrote
at 7:30 AM, Friday January 12, 2007 EST
Until we (may) find a better rating system, the score decay is working. But, I think Don's right: decay shouldn't happen every day, but every week. Not everyone is able to play every day...
About the "trophy-system": I think it's up to Ryan to decide. Maybe he lets us all vote (Ryan? too much work?). I think all pros and cons have been listed here now.
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