
Perfect time for a score reset.
MadWilly wrote
at 11:44 AM, Wednesday January 10, 2007 EST
Since everybody got wrong rated games and some players still sitting on points gained in okd scoring system, I say:
Fix the bug that did this and then,
Reset the score of everyone!

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MadWilly wrote
at 4:19 AM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
Have you ever played a single game at 1900 tables alpha? you completely miss my point. please try reading again what i wrote.
GustavGans wrote
at 6:42 AM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
I like pTm's idea of having monthly winners and reset scores after that. Give trophies/ named tables or whatever to them. It's good for games with luck envolved (like it is in poker). I don't think it annoying playing at "noob tables": I like it, you have more moments of success ;). And, I experienced that ppl with 1700+ don't play that much differently from 2000+ players. And finally: You have to be able to change strategies, if you want to be thought of as a good player; with the aggressive players on the low tables, there sure is more luck involved - sometimes it's almost like playing dice wars. So you just have to alter your strategy. Conclusion: Alpha hasn't missed the point Willy.
MadWilly wrote
at 8:07 AM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
point about not restting score every month is elo needs time to adjust to skill. so if you dont play all day like me youll probably waste one week of a month getting your rating to where it should be. and this is discouraging at least me i dont know about other players. No offense. but i find playing on 1500 and 1700 tables often dull and less fun. i only go there when im forced. i dont want to spent more time with people not having a clue about the game than neccesary.
Noonsaliwah wrote
at 8:23 AM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
I don't think every month would be THAT bad, a month is longer than you think!

I definately agree there should be at least one score reset once things are sorted out, to start everyone out on even footing.
aliaiactasunt wrote
at 8:34 AM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
Since Gustav is another of my accounts I created to play at 1500 again, Willy, no offense taken ;). You forget: Everyone has to start at those tables, so you probably will have only 1 or 2 lesser skilled players at your table. And everyone has to play the same amount of games to get up: So if that means, only the day&night players get the trophies, that's fine, if they find it worth it. By the way, playing at the lower tables might be frustrating because of it being more luck-dependent; but it certainly isn't dull.
pTm wrote
at 9:33 AM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
Willy and alia: You're both right. Playing on 1700 tables and sometimes on 1500 tables is fun too. But a reset every month would mean that I have to spend a lot of time to come to the 1900 tables. And playing there is the best part of the game. Another bad thing would be that I wouldn't see my friends or personal enemys or just players who I can trust. (it's always a pleasure to play with alia or to kill Willy ;-) just kidding Willy)
JKD wrote
at 9:52 AM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
I support the elo based scoring system and think a monthly reset would be a waste, there are better ways than rewarding active players instead of skilled players. Once you've won for a month and then get reset to 1500 why would anyone want to go through it all again? With the current system you can look for games against people at your level instead of playing against random people in chaotic games.

Back on topic, I'm in favour of a one-time reset but think should be patient unless you're sure no other issues shall come up. I'd say ideally about a week after lag/crash issues have become reasonable.
aliaiactasunt wrote
at 10:05 AM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
hmmm.... do you really think that with everyone back to 1500 at the beginning of the month playing at low tables would be so different from 1900? To be honest, the high ranks are the ones that often play, and since we know each other's different accounts, we will meet. at the same tables, which makes playing there not so different. It only might be unfair to the new ones, having experienced players against them. But hey, that way they'll learn ;).
Dimoonstone wrote
at 11:15 AM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
well the score decaying kinda makes regular score resetting unnecesary,
TheGrid wrote
at 12:04 PM, Thursday January 11, 2007 EST
Well maybe make it every quartal /season then (3 months) to score reset, so you have a spring, summer, automn and winter winner!

As said "A lot of time"..
There are 2 Arguments against the resets that contradict each other.
* IF you play better than the usual people after a reset, you get up to high ranks pretty quickly.
* If all good people play at low tables after a reset, you are facing good players, so people complain about not beeing able to score up fast. What are points good for again? Ah yes, to be able to play with good players. So what was the problem again?
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