
kdice ideas wanted
Pursey wrote
at 12:56 AM, Sunday June 18, 2017 EDT
Could I solicit from everyone, and yes I know there is a ideas section - but what I'd like to see is for everyone to list one new feature they'd like to see for the game (new badges, new comps, something), one thing they'd like to see changed (the design, the points system, whatever), and what is most important to them about kdice.

I want to know say, a few things from everyone. What keeps you playing, what would make you play more, and what you think would be cool to see, and what needs to happen most urgently. The ideas section will still be reviewed.

You can reply here or you can email them [email protected]

Thank you all in advance!
Pursey, kdice rules advisor

« First ‹ Previous Replies 61 - 70 of 94 Next › Last »
greeen wrote
at 11:30 PM, Sunday September 3, 2017 EDT
Level 0-20
Level 30-40
Level 50-60
Level 70-80
Level 90+

greeen wrote
at 11:33 PM, Sunday September 3, 2017 EDT
Since I'm Level 73

I'd join the Level 70-80 tournament


Will this be a hassle to create? If so, nvm :)
hamza wrote
at 7:22 AM, Thursday September 7, 2017 EDT
Android app version of Kdice !!!
probabler wrote
at 12:12 PM, Friday September 8, 2017 EDT
Tables for low levels only.
<20 or sth like that.

Reducing "newcomer stress".
Let's call it "sandbox" ;)
probabler wrote
at 3:19 PM, Sunday September 24, 2017 EDT
I play many games on Jurgen table (elimination one)and I think formula for number of lands should be:
number of players times 3 + 10 (now it is number of players times 4 + 3).

My idea is to generate a little bit bigger tables when only 2-5 players sit.
Now tables are little to tight in my opinion.
(Bottlenecks are fun but now tables look like One Big Bottleneck ).
Games are more random than they could be when my idea is implemented.

probabler wrote
at 11:42 AM, Wednesday October 4, 2017 EDT
@ my last comment here

Not only bottleneck but also blocked.
Some lands more could improve situation.
Formula (see above ).
at 6:41 PM, Wednesday October 4, 2017 EDT
Ideas after 10 years here:
- 2-3 person tables, max. Not just 7 person tables that start after a minute if more do not show.
- a practice table for new people, with a basic rules or players guide right on the page. No points gained or lost.
- auto-end officially on the site.
- mute button next to players names.
- team games, where the winners net points from the losers, and it splits evenly. Example 2v2, both winners get 100 points, both losers lose 100. No ranking, just two sides with a winner and a loser.
trendz wrote
at 12:05 AM, Friday October 13, 2017 EDT
make it not suck
probabler wrote
at 1:51 PM, Friday October 13, 2017 EDT
make a checkbox:

If all players awaiting on the table check it the game starts immediately.
chiefKeef wrote
at 12:39 AM, Saturday October 14, 2017 EDT
where's bivo?
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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