Play naked
nunes wrote
at 5:54 PM, Sunday February 1, 2009 EST
The expectation of being caught naked on your room will throw some adrenaline on your blood, and thus you play more aggressively.
Increment the risk (and thus the results) by using a random piece that will make you look more ridiculous than just naked. I usually put a belt on to face important battles, for example. Bonus results if you live with your grandma. It doesn't work if there's nobody else in the house, though. |
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HorizoN wrote
at 6:46 PM, Sunday September 23, 2012 EDT hfjhdhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsghhgfddfghhgfddfghhgfdfghhgfdfghhgfdfhghgfdfghhgfdfhghgfdfghhfgdfhghgdfhghgfdfhghgfdfhhfgdfhg
Stepski wrote
at 8:52 PM, Tuesday October 2, 2012 EDT YES ...XD
@UnBanhMe wrote
at 6:10 PM, Thursday April 20, 2017 EDT bump
barry gateaux wrote
at 8:23 AM, Thursday August 20, 2020 EDT i can be a dick sometimes, so i guess that means you're playing with a semi penis if i'm on your table
Black Flag wrote
at 4:04 PM, Friday September 4, 2020 EDT Wait a minute.. Is it allowed to play with your clothes on?
Monsanto wrote
at 12:31 PM, Saturday February 20, 2021 EST bump
Pink Taco wrote
at 12:08 PM, Sunday February 28, 2021 EST Best advice.