
PGA is cheating
kdicefreak wrote
at 12:34 AM, Sunday January 6, 2008 EST
From Ryan:

If you team up against other players without them knowing it is a very unfair way to play and is therefore cheating. If you can't play any other way its kinda sad. I really believe in the game and PGA is not part of it.

There are a bunch of guys that think it's discussion worthly whether this is a valid way to play and it's absolutely not. I've told them this but they get off on their own special aim group thinking they're the "titans of kdice" when really they have no credibility.

If players here think this is a valid way to play please post here so I can remove your account so the rest of us can play the real game.... and trophies gained from this invalid play should be removed too.

Kdice is a great game and I believe there are great players out there that don't need to resort to these cheap tricks. I will move the game towards this pure kdice style as much as i can. For now I'll just remove people who chose otherwise.


157 people think this is a good idea

« First ‹ Previous Replies 41 - 50 of 119 Next › Last »
k-dizzle wrote
at 5:38 PM, Wednesday September 30, 2009 EDT
i think the hex you put on peoples accounts is the real cheating
PRESIDENT N° 1 wrote
at 12:14 PM, Monday October 5, 2009 EDT
I feel recently PGA is getting worse !!!1
occurred to me during 100 daily competition, so obvious, it hurt !!! I don`t know why other plyers accept it, it totally screws my game fun...
Master of PGA wrote
at 9:12 AM, Thursday October 15, 2009 EDT
People should realise this:

- Kdice is NOT about strategy and it is not a strategy game.

- The only thing that matters in Kdice is how many friends you have playing this game.

- PGA may officially be cheating but honestly and basically the truth is that Kdice is all about PGA's and has been all about PGA*s for very long time.

- Last but not least. If you can not beat them, join them...
luxsolis wrote
at 12:42 AM, Thursday October 29, 2009 EDT
assign tables randomly.
fanacimgs wrote
at 2:52 PM, Sunday November 29, 2009 EST
Yooo!! and Bendlak pga....500 room.
fanacimgs: me 2
: ty purp
: oh
Yooo!!: mmm
Yooo!!: sorry teal
Yooo!!: el rojo me iso ganas
fanacimgs: you are pga
fanacimgs: ok
Yooo!!: teal
Yooo!!: roll off to red
fanacimgs: no
fanacimgs: you are pga
Yooo!!: k u 3rd
Yooo!!: red its i win
Bendlak: purp?
Bendlak: why attack me
Yooo!!: dom
Bendlak: ur maxed

Iumentum wrote
at 9:03 AM, Tuesday December 15, 2009 EST
I can't win on a compromise.
I rather lose on my own!!!
IllvilJa wrote
at 12:28 PM, Tuesday December 15, 2009 EST
Hm. I don't do PGA myself and would never consider it. And sure, it has a negative impact on the game. At those times it actually happens, I perhaps should add, because I'm quite convinced it does not always do.

But there are two evils here which I am confronted with when playing KDice. One of them are other players actually using PGAs (regardless if I'm aware of it or not) and the other evil is to start regarding all players as potential users of PGA.

One of these two evils I cannot really affect. I cannot realistically prevent others from doing PGAs and MORE IMPORTANTLY I cannot reliable even identify them! Not reliable enough for me to actually free anyone from the suspicion of being PGAs nor justify me accusing anyone for being PGAs.

Which brings me over to the one of these two evils which I actually CAN affect: my own suspicion of others being PGAs. I can choose to always assume that the other players never are practicing any PGAs. That way, I won't go around accusing other players for cheating, don't cause a lot of atrocity and in general, I'll enjoy the game a LOT MORE than if I did spend a lot on energy on distrusting folks. It's not that I'm naive, but I've decided not be a bad loser.

It IS extremely frustrating to have someone accusing you to be a PGA just because they lost to you and someone else who, without any pre-game agreement, happened to cooperate with you just because the situation in the game logically lead to it (classic: end game, three players remaining with one guy in the middle. OF COURSE the middle one can expect get a two front war, that does not require a PGA to run into that).

So, even if I can understand the desire to keep PGAs out of the game, I don't think one should underestimate the negative impact of the "ghost of PGA paranoia" has on the gaming experience. Bad losers already have enough 'excuses' for blaming you for denying them their 'right' to win.

A note: the game is a LOT about psychology, not only explicit in the chat but how you act on the game board. Sometimes, the game's somewhat chaotic nature creates a situation where you and some other color just happens to never need to attack each others territories. That situation can cause some sort of irrational trust between the players ("Hm, that one is not trying to cause me trouble in this game") and later, if both survives to end game, they can end up cooperating and THAT WITHOUT EXCHANGING A SINGLE CHAT MESSAGE! So, what seem to be a PGA don't necessarily have to be one.

So, if someone explicitly states that he don't mind using PGA, well, then he does, as far as I am concerned. Of course, the administrators of KDice are more than welcome to remove such individuals' accounts, but I would really not fight the KDice administrators if they decided the oppisite either. So do as you please. KDice will be a great game for me either way.

Ok, my $0.02 (+ interest for a couple of millenia) worth of ranting.

Best regards

Troy11 wrote
at 2:49 AM, Thursday December 24, 2009 EST
PGA Instamash, BlackPrisma, Lotro
FilipL wrote
at 9:01 AM, Thursday February 25, 2010 EST
I fully agree that PGA isn't part of the game. I also strongly support that accounts and trophies should be removed. A player with a PGA strategy is responsible for his/her actions and should face consequences...
integraI wrote
at 11:11 AM, Thursday February 25, 2010 EST
First pass of monthly archives, Gold-Bronze

fiero600 X
Pat Whalen X
greekboi X
dr. zoidberg 69 X
gurgi X
masterDD X
yellowfin X
MadHat_Sam X
Joselito Michaud X
Das Jr. X
Orlafede X
potato27 X
Dark lunatic K X
Rorschach X
jp4cp X
longhair X
Big Jumblies X
Vohaul X
montecarlo X
XxDiceyGirlxX X
Johnson213 X
Vanilla Dice
Bone Roller
wishbone X
Ssergio X
Linch X
petomni X
Phoenix37 X
dasfury X
rnd X
Mikeypoo X
lastmurti X
WayneRooney X
integral X
riser X
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary