Level 45
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Reviews 1 - 8 of 8

backstabber, dont trust him.
Golum on Saturday January 15, 2011
no respect flags and backstabb
wueste on Monday January 10, 2011
if he had enough dices he will attac u ... just an other backstabber
slyner on Sunday January 9, 2011
Proposed a counter, then backed out and flagged. Lame. Not to be trusted.
RandomOunce on Tuesday December 28, 2010
PGE him. No respect flags he is a noob.
sergio2 on Friday December 3, 2010
very unfair player! i flagged him and he killed
The_Gel on Saturday November 20, 2010
What a complete and total jerk. PGA? probably
AngerIssues on Tuesday November 16, 2010
What kind of rat is Benito? AMO (a good and decent player) was fighting the good fight with another player. Benito sat and stacked while AMO fought for his life against the other person. Benito preyed on the weak (scooping up *my* countries whenever he could do so without fear of retaliation), all the while waiting for an opening to attack AMO. When AMO lost a crucial battle, Benito raped him from behind so hard that even prisoners in jail would go "Woah!" - Yeah, it was that bad. And AMO never did anything to Benito all game! It was ugly to watch. When AMO gave Benito a well-deserved smack, however, Benito had the nerve to cry "DAMN! WHY?" and acted like a total bitch. Even though Benito deserved the bitchsmack (and much more), Benito was genuinely shocked and angry (judging from his vulgar language). Ultimately, I got the upper hand in the game (taking first place). When I hit Benito back for preying on me earlier in the game, he cried and moaned again! Does Benito have memory problems? No, I don't think so. Benito is just the kind of pussy who can dish it out but can't take it. Benito feels nothing when he steps on other people but cries bloody murder when karma comes around to collect his debts. He plays the angry innocent victim when someone dares to hit him back. Benito, you play like a rat fuck pussy. You cry like a little girl and act like a piece of shit. If you are not prepared to take a punch, you have no business punching other people (or even stepping into the ring). Grow up, you rat fuck pussy crybaby.
Happyfuntirne on Wednesday August 27, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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