Level 48
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KoS list : Tioum, krez, El Destructor
Lebosstom on Monday August 3, 2015
i'm really sory because of your fjut is so tiny you must cheating in game for build youurself;) i hope so it better now.
etoile on Thursday August 6, 2009
doesn't respect flags.
Thunder 400 on Friday July 3, 2009
doesn't respect flags.
JupiterJones84 on Friday July 3, 2009
Lol. Most likely, you are really mentally ill. Or you dont understand english. Keep playing the same bad way. You are a nature mistake.
krez on Monday October 27, 2008
WieGehts on Sunday October 12, 2008
PGA with pedromc
Hobyandy on Friday October 10, 2008
Does not respect flags...
Manetheren on Friday October 10, 2008
Player that has no CLUE what this game is about and what strategies that can be used. If you see other reviews of me i m like pga with 20 guys, thats impossible man. Its just the way of playing that u make friends or enemies, if i try to not hit a guy in a specific game i do this in the hope that he doesnt attack me also. This doesnt mean pga. Its just a way of "strategy" and is allowed.
_ShaDowZ_ on Tuesday October 7, 2008
Aandreas on Tuesday September 30, 2008
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary