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pga with Rallenser
zjs.xa1 on Tuesday December 2, 2014
2014-09-26 ffbsensei is a Level 72 (with 15 trophies) kdice jerk--again--playing on the 0 tables. ffb needs to read something other than Ayn Rand comic books. ffb needs to learn to pursue honor and beauty and truth and justice. ffb will NOT do that, but he should. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ [Note: ffb is down to two lands and offers up a truce idea to red who is in 1st.] ---------- ffbsensei: grf ---------- ffbsensei: bah ---------- ffbsensei: we got this one red ---------- ffbsensei: i'll go north ---------- ffbsensei: you can have all of blue's dice ---------- Urbi et Orbi: what a surprise that ffbsensei wants a truce! (not) ---------- ffbsensei: lol ---------- ffbsensei: urb ---------- Urbi et Orbi: truces are all that ffbsensei knows--that is how he got all his trophies after all ---------- Urbi et Orbi: he would rather truce than have fun ---------- ffbsensei: are you still bitter? ---------- ffbsensei: i think trucing is fun ########## [Note: On a 0 table ffb thinks it is fun to ruin the fun for every other player at the table. Let him stick to the upper tables for that kind of fun.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: not at all ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i am never bitter about the kdice jerks like you ---------- ffbsensei: so if i don't play the way you play...that makes me a bad person? ---------- ffbsensei: because i don't want to play with your rules or the way you think...that's bad? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: bad because you do not play like me? no ---------- ffbsensei: how interesting ---------- ffbsensei: yes ---------- Urbi et Orbi: bad because you ruin the fun for the rest of the players? yes ---------- ffbsensei: i don't play this game the way you like ---------- ffbsensei: therefore...i'm a bad person ---------- ffbsensei: what a small person you appear to be ---------- ffbsensei: i'm sorry you feel that way ---------- Urbi et Orbi: no, you are a kdice jerk for ruining the fun for the rest of the players--and not caring ---------- ffbsensei: oh...so its ok for you to ruin the game for me? ---------- ffbsensei: but i'm not allowed to ruin it for you? ---------- ffbsensei: and i ruin it for you because i have a different world view than you ---------- ffbsensei: you know...isis is the same way ########## ########## ########## [Note: To avoid the dreaded Nazi accusation, ffb uses "isis."] ffbsensei: they go around beheadinb people because they don't think those type of people should live ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ffb is a typical kdice jerk--he cannot imagine the good of another person ---------- ffbsensei: but i do ---------- ffbsensei: i see collaboration all about seeing the good in people ---------- Urbi et Orbi: his only concern is how to get more points and more trophies for himself ---------- Urbi et Orbi: if your fun has to suffer? screw you ---------- ffbsensei: i see collaboration and working together the way to success ---------- ffbsensei: but if you want to go it alone...that's fine ---------- Urbi et Orbi: "success"! ---------- ffbsensei: but then you force others to play the way you like ########## [Note: Force through chat. ffb thinks chat has magical powers indeed.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: force!!! ---------- ffbsensei: or you insult people who are not like you ########## [Note: Realizing how stupid he sounds, ffb backs off and says "insult" instead of "force."] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: cry more, ffb--i LOVE it ---------- Urbi et Orbi: force! ---------- ffbsensei: that's what you're doing ---------- Urbi et Orbi: insult! i just say what happens and you call it an insult ---------- ffbsensei: you are trying to make me play the way you think this game should be played ########## [Note: "Make me." Again, ffb thinks chat has magical power.] ---------- ffbsensei: mmmm...not ---------- ffbsensei: you are trying to insult me ---------- Urbi et Orbi: if you don't like being called a kdice jerk then do not be a kdice jerk ---------- ffbsensei: but that's ok ---------- Urbi et Orbi: simple ---------- ffbsensei: this world is full of isis type people ########## [Note: Leaving aside the Nazis again, ffb believes the world is full of isis-type people, but it isn't. The jerks, like ffb and isis (using ffb's self-inflated sense of himself) are about 3% of the world. Importantly, it is more or less. Do we want more jerks like ffb or fewer? I say fewer.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: trying? ---------- ffbsensei: people who want others to see the world they see it and only the way they see it ---------- Alejandro Lupus: even if, that doesn't mean you have to play any way other than the way you want, ffb ---------- ffbsensei: i don't ---------- Urbi et Orbi: isis! ffb thinks he is on the same plane as important world events! ---------- Urbi et Orbi: see? he only cares for himself ---------- ffbsensei: i don't allow small minded people to influence the way i think or live my life ---------- Alejandro Lupus: that's good ---------- ffbsensei: urb is being urb ---------- ffbsensei: its the same principle urb ---------- ffbsensei: you just don't like me because i'm not like you ########## ########## ########## [Note: What ego ffb pretends to have. It is not about ffb at all--it is about his actions. He can be a purple cow and it would not matter--especially on the Internet. The question is: is ffb making it better or worse? ffb is making it worse.] ---------- Alejandro Lupus: but rambling on about it is irritating for the rest of us ---------- Urbi et Orbi: same wrong principle ---------- ffbsensei: and i am completely fine with it ---------- Urbi et Orbi: the principle is: do unto others as you would have them do unto you ---------- ffbsensei: you can mute me if you like alej... ---------- Urbi et Orbi: THAT is the principle--you know nothing of it ---------- Alejandro Lupus: i know ---------- ffbsensei: actually... i have been going to see a lot of colleges lately ---------- ffbsensei: many of them have this "honor code"... ---------- Alejandro Lupus: they won't honor it when it matters ---------- ffbsensei: where they have unproctored exams...and you're expected to abide by these rules. ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ffb thinks his liberterianism makes him smart and sophisticated--what a fool he is ---------- ffbsensei: actually...i found this other school...and they have an "honor principle" ---------- Alejandro Lupus: libertarianism is great. but you have to be practical about it and realize it wouldn't work in practice ---------- ffbsensei: and that's not "Do unto others as you want them to do unto you..." ---------- Urbi et Orbi: he doesn't realize that his freedom of action depends on the sacrifices of real people... ---------- Urbi et Orbi: AND of stopping the bad guys... ---------- Urbi et Orbi: the bad guys like ffb ---------- ffbsensei: sacrifice? ---------- ffbsensei: its a game urb ---------- ffbsensei: its a multiplayer social strategy game ---------- Urbi et Orbi: then don't worry about what i am saying, ffb ---------- ffbsensei: a game of diplomacy ---------- ffbsensei: lol ---------- Urbi et Orbi: a game for fun, you fool ---------- ffbsensei: you think i'm worried about what you are saying? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i think you are responding--so i win ---------- ffbsensei: no...i don't care what you think urb...as i know you're wrong ---------- ffbsensei: who's responding to who? ---------- ffbsensei: you are to me ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i know i am right and you are a kdice jerk ---------- Urbi et Orbi: simple ---------- Urbi et Orbi: to whom you mean? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: "whom"? ---------- ffbsensei: lol...are you in middle school? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ever heard of it? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ah, the answer of an ignorant fool ---------- Urbi et Orbi: just admit it and be done, ffb ---------- ffbsensei: i'm sorry to say urb...when you get out of college...you'll find its much more productive working with people than trying to shut them down and force your will upon them ---------- Urbi et Orbi: at least you will get credit for being manly in that one area ---------- ffbsensei: it doesn't work that way... ---------- ffbsensei: anyway urb...someday you'll learn ---------- Urbi et Orbi: what works is to have fewer bad guys like you rather than more of them ---------- ffbsensei: some day ---------- ffbsensei: not today though. ---------- ffbsensei: night guys ---------- ffbsensei has left ---------- Urbi et Orbi: ran away--of course ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2014-08-23 ffbsensei is a Level 72 (with 15 trophies) kdice jerk playing on the 0 tables. ffbsensei takes offense at the notion of anyone telling anyone what to do. No doubt he thinks peace and freedom are free, too. Poor pie-eyed ffbsensei; his "all choices are equally good" theory of ethical behavior is puerile nonsense. No serious person believes what ffbsensei believes. However it is NOT just that ffbsensei is simplistic and juvenile in his ideas and actions, it is his selfishness that is his true calling card. His points and his trophies are all that matter to him, so ffbsensei likes any system that helps him get more points and more trophies. As for me, ffbsensei and others can have all the points and trophies they want, but they should NOT ruin the fun of the game on the 0 tables. ffbsensei and his ilk should keep all the spoken and unspoken truces on the higher tables. It is worth noting that others have noted ffbsensei's overfondness for points and trophies to the exclusion of fun for others. Check out his reviews. This review benefits from being verbatim (as all the quoted chat in my reviews always is), but many others make the same points I make here: ffbsensei makes the game fun for himself and ruins the fun for others. ffbsensei is one of the 3% who make kdice worse for the rest of us in the 97%. Again, all chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ [Note: I didn't start copying and pasting the chat with ffbsenseit until the very end, so the chat below is verbatim but is not complete. Still, it captures perfectly the essence of the thing.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: how can that be? ---------- FreiWild: cut for grey xD ---------- Urbi et Orbi: why don't you care about other players on the 0 tables then? ---------- ffbsensei: i cook 4 chickens and deliver it amongst the elderly couples in my neighborhood [Note: This doesn't pass the smell test--and I don't mean the smell of the chicken.] ---------- ffbsensei: what do you do urbi? ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you don't see the harm? is that it? ---------- ffbsensei: how do you help people? ---------- ffbsensei: yes...what is the harm in playing a game? [Note: This not very well crafted attempt to pretend the question is about playing the game instead of HOW the game is played is more puerile nonsense.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: by pursuing wisdom and justice and honor and beauty at all times ---------- ffbsensei: what 's the harm in not playing the game like you? [Note: Again, ffbsensei will not the question of HIS way of playing. He prefers to change the subject--of course. I don't blame him. He is embarrassed by his own behavior and refuses to discuss the subject of his behavior.] ---------- FreiWild: wtf ---------- ffbsensei: so if i dont play like you...i'm the antithesis of all you believe? ########## [Note: Resorting to this kind of hyperbolic inanity is just another sign that ffbsensei is a desperate child. A child might say, "So you HATE me!" when told to clean up his room. ffbsensei, when told he should clean up his act (not told "to" but told "he should"--big difference) resorts to fantastical overstatement so he can feel put upon even though he knows he is wrong. How do I know he knows he is wrong? Because ffbsensei pretends to help others, so he has some simple grasp of what is higher and what is lower.] ---------- ffbsensei: again...there's the isis connection... ########## [Note: See? ffbsensei would claim "fascism!" if given a speeding ticket that he deserved. ffbsensei would claim "tyrannical despot!" if told to stop bothering other children on his playground.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: again, you are playing wrong--it has nothing to do with me ---------- Urbi et Orbi: give me a second and i will quote the forum about this ---------- FreiWild: gg and ty ---------- tormentum222: gg ---------- ffbsensei: whatever...i'm going to go take some friends of mine out for their anniversary ---------- ffbsensei: i hope you figure out how to help others urbi ---------- ffbsensei: be a blessing to others ---------- ffbsensei: try not to make everyone think and act like you... ---------- ffbsensei: you are not THE way ########## [Note: As ffbsensei pretends to think, his belief is no better than mine, so why whine and cry about my telling him he is wrong? I disagree with him, but within his logic, he should not complain at all about my censuring him. (N.b. Censuring NOT censoring.)] ---------- ffbsensei: you are a way ---------- Urbi et Orbi: #3 on 'Common Misconception about Flagging' applies to YOU, ffb ---------- Urbi et Orbi: you ruin the game for others ---------- ffbsensei: whatever its a game ########## [Note: THERE it is! The kdice jerk and chat jerk excuse for everything they do: it's a game. (ffbsensei meant "it's" not "its." Ten points off on his SAT.) ---------- Urbi et Orbi: AND you do not care ---------- ffbsensei: i play it differently that's for sure ---------- ffbsensei: i do care [Note: ffbsensei's actions say different.] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: in fact, you get mad that anyone would call you on it ---------- ffbsensei: otherwise i wouldnt spend this time with you ---------- Urbi et Orbi: no you only care about yourself ---------- ffbsensei: i care about you a great deal urbi ########## ########## ########## [Note: Dear Readers, do ANY of you believe that? No? Not even a little bit? No? Neither do I. ffbsensei is just pretending to a cool calculation because is what he thinks is the best defense against my powerful accusation; it is also a sign of guilt. Why cover up if you have nothing to hide?] ---------- Urbi et Orbi: your trophies are evidence of that ---------- bongoman has left ---------- ffbsensei: ;p ---------- ffbsensei: i hope you have a good day urbi ---------- Urbi et Orbi: MOST of you trophy guys playing on the 0 tables are like you, ffb--bad kdice players ---------- ffbsensei: gtg ---------- ffbsensei: ;p ---------- Urbi et Orbi: i hope you act better ---------- Urbi et Orbi: then i forgive you ---------- ffbsensei: i'll take that as a compliment that i dont' play like you! :) ########## [Note: ffbsensei's defensive embarrassment is showing.] ---------- ffbsensei has left ---------- Urbi et Orbi: then we can go arm in arm pursuing honor and justice
Urbi et Orbi on Friday September 26, 2014
Very nice guy
LordVader on Saturday September 20, 2014
nice to see some old guys again - was a pleasure to play with you
zzaazz on Friday September 19, 2014
Maybe the funniest player on kdice, pleasure to play with!
etjam on Thursday September 18, 2014
great man;) always pleasant to play with him
Must on Wednesday September 10, 2014
Backstabs and truces like crazy, even in early rounds. Anything to get a higher place, even on zero point tables. Constantly ruining the matches he plays in.
kDiceNoob22 on Monday August 18, 2014
funny player
coger on Tuesday July 15, 2014
kept his word, played very honorable
Sabala on Wednesday May 14, 2014
honorable player :)
prymus on Friday March 28, 2014
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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