Level 83
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that was a good game sensei. First time I've started a truce because someone supposedly talked about my mother.
orange33 on Monday September 1, 2008
this guy is a bottom feeding dick licker who does deserve to touch a dice
byak on Tuesday July 29, 2008
Thanks for being a fair and trustworthy player!!!
Loobee on Saturday July 19, 2008
Fair and good player:)
Marius_1987 on Wednesday July 16, 2008
openly conspiring w/ Joselito Michaud: "ffbsensei: jose, can you 4v1 my single? Josélito Michaud: oops sorry ffbsensei: ty Josélito Michaud: could I have done that earlier? ffbsensei: np Josélito Michaud: can you take my 2 Josélito Michaud: oh ffbsensei: sorry Josélito Michaud: I see ffbsensei: didn't see it in time ffbsensei: i'm putting my little girl to bed Josélito Michaud: Am i not the priority in your life? "
testbaby1234 on Sunday July 13, 2008
montecarlo's turn Furious Angel defeated 8v4, 31 to 18, (6,6,6,1,1,1,5,5 to 5,6,5,2) ffbsensei defeated 7v1, 27 to 6, (5,5,6,3,2,2,4 to 6) ffbsensei defeated 6v4, 24 to 16, (2,4,3,4,5,6 to 4,4,4,4) ffbsensei defeated 5v4, 19 to 17, (5,4,3,4,3 to 6,4,4,3) ffbsensei defeated 4v4, 19 to 17, (4,4,5,6 to 5,2,6,4) ffbsensei defeated 3v2, 10 to 8, (4,1,5 to 6,2) ffbsensei defeated 2v1, 7 to 3, (4,3 to 3)
montecarlo on Tuesday June 24, 2008
guy talked shit all game, the gets extremely lucky.. I find these type of players a pain in the ass ..especially when there luck highly outseeds there skill.
Skeezy420 on Tuesday June 17, 2008
My favorite asian trasvestite player! ..you know I jest ff.. But anyway, congrats on a good month. Also, learn to control your emotions dude. They run high toward the end of the month when position is at stake... I understand. But you do realize that people like myself will not always have your back. I mean in some games, if it makes sense, (or sensei) sure. But PGA is not what I'm about. I play the board mostly. If opportunity is in front of you seize it! In one game a few dyas ago, you got mad at me. As I remember it, you lost a critical 4 v 2 and you had 3 territories, you were 6th or 7th. To make matters worse, another player was gonna take your spaces. So I acted. I cut you. You were done either way. I got 2nd that game. I would have had 5th or so had I not acted as I did. By the way, we had not truced in that game. You assumed that you were safe. Well, this game is war. And me taking your position was critical to my success. Now, If you had won that 4 v 2, you could have held your own and maybe we would have truced. But your loss created a hole in you and me. So anyway, don't go preaching that I am a "backstabber" as you were. Because MANY players will attest that I am a fair player who honors flags, gives people chances later in the game, and will do what is honorable when the sitation calls for it. Early in a game..ANYTHING goes. And any of the good players know this. The only players who disagree with that statement are deep onto the path of habitual PGAing. I'll get off my soap box. My opinion of you is high. If you think I'm an ass, so be it. Happy kdicing!
DoubleDogDareYa on Sunday June 1, 2008
saved me, all is good!!! Nice Rabbit Hare
Fire Angel on Saturday May 31, 2008
spanky backstabs me and then says "Nothing personal, just trying to increase dom." After i saved him from getting 5th or 6th. He cuts me when i'm going for the win and costs me the game. I don't have many pge's...but he's one of them.
ffbsensei on Friday May 30, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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