![]() Level 38
to level 39 |
OxymoronJust An Earthbound Misfit
Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. backstabbing wanker
Salige on Saturday November 30, 2013 honorable player
Donnie13 on Thursday November 28, 2013 Fights with honor. It was a pleasure to play against you.
remark on Thursday November 21, 2013 Wanker
zhaoyun on Sunday November 25, 2012 real backstabber this guy and defo dosen respect flags also tink hes pga with alot of profiles ran by same person
dfghjklwertyuuio on Sunday July 17, 2011 totalna lajza. Uwazajcie na niego. wchodzi i posadza o PGA poto aby ktos przegral ....
Geremaya on Tuesday June 21, 2011 PGA with dom99!!!!!
booge on Tuesday June 21, 2011 He 'hates' flags .... so i started argueing with him, the moron took it personally and went into a game just too beat me. mature, right? the faggot doesn't stop!!
ChrisBrownLover on Sunday June 12, 2011 stupid cunt doesnt respect flags
gabi6 on Saturday June 11, 2011 Played honorably
Killah G on Friday June 3, 2011 |