![]() Level 74
to level 75 |
WhitehawkAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. What a miserable, complaining, derogatory player. Lets the entire kdice community down with her poor choice of language, strategy and personality.
stupeedo on Tuesday August 14, 2012 u shudnt whine so much.. its just a game.
nlade on Thursday August 9, 2012 Cool guy, respects flags doesnt farms.
Milo90 on Wednesday July 25, 2012 dont respect
hmmdesign on Tuesday July 24, 2012 Bad player, PGA with oneshot7
LostToddler on Monday July 16, 2012 bad idiot player dont respoect flag!
bivo on Tuesday July 10, 2012 One of the first people on kdice i met that was a fair player, played him 8 months later, still a fair player, one of the nicest/fairest on kdice
samB96 on Tuesday July 10, 2012 no sense for humor.
bentiger on Monday July 9, 2012 BACKSTABBER. I WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOUR FLAGS. and PGA with BigDaddyKane
sergio2 on Friday July 6, 2012 Fucking backstabber, don't trust him
MatthijsDaams on Wednesday July 4, 2012 |