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are you a fucking idiot. fucking up peoples profiles. its not even funny. click around on your screen eventually you will accidentally post to the forum. Please nobody post to this after i do.... sigh.
Bahaduras on Monday January 21, 2008
Sean M 02 on Monday January 21, 2008
Sorry folks but I can't find how to post so I'm just going to reply here. Sorry I know its a bit off doing this on someone elses thread. But I need too get this off my chest. 1. KIDS I am completely sick and tired of kids on this game. Who becuase they don't get their way start abusing you. enough said. 2. TRUCES This is part of the game, get over it. So are counters, get over it. People who wine about it need to build a bridge. enough said 3. FLAG PROTECTION This one really pisses me off (Combat Wombat). Flagging is an indication of intention. If I flag for 3rd, it means that I mean no threat to 2nd or 1st. THAT IS ALL! Those of you who get pissy becuase you get attacked anyways have lost the point of this game. It is to make points fullstop. If I can make more points in 2nd by attacking 3rd who is flagged then I will. Yes there are 'relationship' points in the game too, but I'm not about to sacrific 1st just cos you (scuz me) fuckin Flagged. If you want etiqute go sign the geneva convention. This is war baby. Replys welcome and sorry to this persons thread. Sean
Sean M 02 on Monday January 21, 2008
Yo Snuggles. One of the original Greats!
PompousEloWhore on Monday January 21, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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