Level 46
to level 47


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i agree with all reviews. Don't play on the same table...
Balrog75 on Tuesday June 16, 2009
hahaha - those commenters are so studpid!!
influenza2000 on Thursday April 30, 2009
Makolyte on Thursday April 30, 2009
another useless cunt ruining the game
MrMcCartney on Wednesday April 29, 2009
honorable player
poollok on Tuesday April 21, 2009
and again. who cares for your words? noob
Rasenheizung on Tuesday April 21, 2009
a fucking retard, don't respect flags and pga
Kizar on Thursday April 16, 2009
What a dushbag :) after i made him ally with me, he decided to attack me. He was sure he was allied with other guy. he wrote counter truce and this dumbass was sure the meant him LOL Genious you got third only becuase the other guy flagged LEARN how to play. Good Luck PLAY NICE
=PlayNice= on Sunday December 28, 2008
good and fair player
BlackSkull on Sunday December 28, 2008
total piece of shit. his only goal is to waste the game of other people. kill him asap.
OviloN on Tuesday December 9, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary