Level 46
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Decent player that was true to his flag though a stab would have been easy. He also was fair enough to spend a lot of time to give me a kill. Appreciated!
avesano on Tuesday May 19, 2015
Emakaii on Wednesday March 4, 2015
Asshole who disrespects flags, pretends like he doesn't know how to play. Suspect PGA.
kDiceNoob22 on Friday February 27, 2015
idiot indeed.
dnaa on Friday January 9, 2015
hi dear old friend. dont you remember our old days at the beginning of kdice ? :)
kamikaze Mike on Tuesday September 23, 2014
Lee34 on Tuesday August 19, 2014
llalla on Monday August 18, 2014
lol ???? fair and honest ??? neither he was fair nor honest in the last game i had with him at 500table: we were 4 players left, i was flagged to him, blue ("innsbruck_game") who was as strong as him flagged him too after that, i offered green (with 3 lands) to sit for 3rd, to keep the game fair - blue had crazy luck and won each roll, growing without real flag, i said i sit out when i was down to 4 lands, when this super-guy felt the need to farm me to try to get the kill telling me "to kill the aways is the first rule" - be sure, you dirty player, i wont forget this "rule" whenever i sit the same table with you #### dirty backstabbing and farming player who appreciates you give him 1st by farming and backstabbing you
Mrs. M on Wednesday May 28, 2014
good player, fair and honest
leeeroy jenkins on Thursday April 17, 2014
Decent player that was true to his flag though a stab would have been easy. He also was fair enough to spend a lot of time to give me a kill. Appreciated!
Louis Cypher on Tuesday April 15, 2014
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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