![]() Level 48
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supereagle2Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. 2012-08-05 supereagle2 was a Level 48 Kdice jerk and a hypocrite on our 0 table game today. After flagging to me (I easily
took 1st), supereage2 (playing as red and WAY ahead for 2nd) fought purple for a few rounds, purple flagged to
supereagle2, supereagle2 kept attacking purple. His excuse? He did not accept purple's flag. Forgetting the circularity
of the point for a moment, supereagle2 is a jerk and a hypocrite because he would NOT want anyone to do to him what he
did to purple. supereagle2 should learn and follow my motto: When 1st (or 2 or 3 etc) is in hand leave everyone alone
unless attacked or stalemate. "Stalemate" is not used in the chess sense but as a quick way to say that someone is just
sitting there even after they have stacked up. Why follow my motto? Because Kdice is better and more fun for more people
that way. All chat below is verbatim as always. supereagle2 is red, I am green. ++++++++++
3.14159: brown is a MONSTER! [Note: Brown is Frankeinstein and is using a picture of the monster from the movie
'Frankenstein' as his avatar. He made a big move on his first turn to take a lot of land. He lost almost all of it before
his next turn.] ----------
Frankeinstein: great pun ----------
3.14159: "great" or great? ----------
Frankeinstein: keep working at it kid ----------
3.14159: sarcasm is SO hard to catch on the internet ----------
Frankeinstein: *best just to ignore* ----------
3.14159: *hanging head in shame* ----------
Frankeinstein has left ----------
supereagle2: i flag green ########## [Note: supereagle2 flags to me in Round 2. I make the mistake of accepting it. Round
2 is too early.] ----------
3.14159: thanks red ----------
3.14159: i probably shouldn't accept a flag in Round 2... ----------
3.14159: but it is SO hard to turn down ----------
3.14159: right brown? ----------
3.14159: brown has left the building ----------
3.14159: my motto: when 1st is in hand leave everyone alone... ----------
3.14159: unless attacked or stalemate ----------
3.14159: i also apply that to 2nd or 3rd etc ----------
3.14159: still, since brown is gone... ----------
smoonwww: flag green ----------
dpk man: flag red ----------
3.14159: ty blue ----------
3.14159: i wouldn't have attacked anyway--see my motto ----------
3.14159: i figure 1st is in hand ----------
3.14159: red, purple flagged to you [Note: supereagle2 has just attacked purple who just flagged to supereagle2.]
dpk man: red i flaged ----------
supereagle2: i idnt acept nd blue get 3rd ########## [Note: supereagle2 is one of THOSE guys--the kind that gets off on
deciding who will get what.] ----------
3.14159: red does NOT follow my motto ----------
3.14159: oh, well ----------
dpk man: red u r an asshole ----------
3.14159: red, is that how YOU want to be treated when you are fighting for 3rd or 4th ----------
3.14159: ? ----------
supereagle2: just speeding up th game ########## [Note: supereagle did not ask me to kill supereagle2 to speed up the
game. Why not? Because supereagle2 is a jerk and a hypocrite--simple.] ----------
smoonwww: flag red ----------
3.14159: that is a pathetic excuse, red ----------
supereagle2: ok greenwho gets 3rd ? ########## [Note: See, Dear Readers? supereagle2 is the kind of jerk who thinks the
game should be decided by some higher ranked player. How pathetic.] ----------
3.14159: YOU are a hypocrite, red, if you ever would NOT want to have done to you what you are doing to purple ----------
supereagle2: you decide ----------
3.14159: i do not decide that ----------
3.14159: see my motto ----------
3.14159: i leave everyone alone ----------
3.14159: yuck [NOte: I decide to quit rather than take 1st place in a game where jerks want to act like jerks but expect
to be left alone to do it. I suppose I should have acted like supereagle2 and just changed my mind and NOT accepted
supereagle2's flag after the fact, but unlike supereagle2 I have honor.] ----------
3.14159: i quit ########## [Note: I quit in 4th even though I could have stayed in for 1st.] ----------
3.14159: gg all but red ----------
3.14159: it is amazing how many "high" level guys act like this when they are "slumming" on the 0 tables ----------
3.14159: red is just another in a long line of examples ----------
supereagle2: omg ########## [Note: supereagle2 was apparently not paying attention because after the game kicked me out
for sitting out too long, supereagle2 seems surprised.] ----------
supereagle2: wtf ----------
3.14159: it wouldn't make up for his behavior, but red should quit now ----------
dpk man: wanker red ----------
supereagle2: nice words ----------
3.14159: don't blame the messenger, red ----------
3.14159: you are the bad actor here ----------
dpk man: what are you going to cry ----------
supereagle2: no i was happy with 2nd btut ----------
3.14159: you were happy being a jerk ----------
supereagle2: ?? ----------
supereagle2: i ddnt accpt te flag ----------
3.14159: that doesn't matter ----------
supereagle2: it does ----------
supereagle2: i only ----------
supereagle2: flagged ----------
3.14159: again, is that how YOU would want to be treated ----------
supereagle2: to yo ----------
supereagle2: no read the text ----------
3.14159: the flags do not make up the entirety of kdice moral philosophy ----------
supereagle2: i flag green ----------
3.14159: i understand, red, that you flagged to me ----------
supereagle2: well then ----------
3.14159: i understand, red (from the previous game) that you did not accept purple's flag ----------
supereagle2: whats the isse ----------
3.14159: that you are a jerk and a hypocrite ----------
supereagle2: what ----------
3.14159: you should have left everyone alone ----------
supereagle2: how ----------
supereagle2: why ----------
3.14159: because it is what YOU would want done to you ----------
supereagle2: i flagged 2nd ----------
supereagle2: no ----------
SuperOwnage: woaw.. shit ----------
3.14159: no, you would want some jerk to kill you off after you flagged to him? ----------
supereagle2: its a game flagging to one doesnt mean you sit ----------
supereagle2: I DID NOT ACCEPT IT ########## [Note: I can't tell if supereagle2 is (1) stupid or (2) has poor reading
skills or (3) is playing innocent so as to get the pseudo moral high ground--pseudo being the best he can get here.]
3.14159: you are a lost cause, supereagle2 ----------
supereagle2: ok ----------
3.14159: we need fewer like you on kdice ----------
supereagle2 has left ----------
3.14159: you are a jerk ----------
[Note: NOw we are in a later game. There are four of us left. supereagle2's hypocrisy REALLY shows itself.] ----------
3.14159: flag teal ----------
izadi2001: ty brown ----------
supereagle2: me 2 ########## [Note: WHAT!?!? supereagle2 thinks someone should accept his flag and let him fight for 3rd?
What a hypocrite supereagle2 is; he didn't let purple fight for 3rd in our earlier game. His reason? He says it is
because he didn't accept purple's flag. That kind of circular reasoning must be a clever put on because no one is that
stupid.] ----------
pumba_a: me too ----------
supereagle2: let me fight brown ########## [Note: The irony is so delicious. supereagle2 is now pleading for a chance to
do what he would not let purple do in our game earlier. Rank hypocrisy and jerkiness by supereagle2.] ----------
izadi2001: ty yell and green ----------
pumba_a: flag yell ----------
3.14159: what, super? you want someone to accept your flag and let you fight for some rank? ----------
3.14159: that isn't like YOU ----------
pumba_a: thx for ignoring ----------
3.14159: you usually do NOT accept flags and you attack the flagger ----------
supereagle2: me and you brown ----------
angelo78: i flag after green is gone ----------
angelo78: stupid yell ----------
izadi2001: real flags when you can plz ----------
izadi2001: ty brown ----------
supereagle2: will do ----------
supereagle2 has left ----------
3.14159: super is such a hypocrite ----------
3.14159: in our game just a little while ago ----------
3.14159: a guy flagged to him but super kept attacking him ----------
supereagle2: i didnt accept the flag ----------
3.14159: here, he pleads for just the same chance he did NOT give the other guy ----------
3.14159: what a hypocrite ----------
supereagle2: he nveraskedto fight ########## [Note: "He never asked to fight"!?!? That is the lame excuse now for
supereagle2.] ----------
3.14159: super is the kind of guy who figures if it isn't illegal he can do it ----------
3.14159: gg all but yellow ----------
izadi2001: gg ----------
supereagle2: now fuck you retard brown ########## [Note: YES! I win.] ----------
supereagle2: ill lag out gg teal ----------
3.14159: THERE it is! i win the chat game ----------
izadi2001: ty ----------
3.14159: what a pathetic jerk supereagle2 is ----------
supereagle2: backat you dick ########## ----------
supereagle2 has left
3.14159 on Sunday August 5, 2012 ignore flags.
pumba_a on Sunday August 5, 2012 Insults people instead of learning how to play...
Zontar on Friday July 9, 2010 clueless and cheat on accepted flags - wipes you out when comfortable
pucilover on Saturday July 3, 2010 clueless
_jeremy on Friday June 25, 2010 wish I'd read these before I played on the same table as him
1dog on Wednesday May 26, 2010 Yet to understand his logic
Warlord213 on Friday January 22, 2010 Stupid fuck stick
PacoDaKraut on Sunday January 10, 2010 Stupid as fuck! He flagged 2nd and kept attacking me (1st) all game...
SamPhoenix on Saturday January 2, 2010 dont respect flags... a cock sucker
lpnando on Sunday December 6, 2009 |