Level 45
to level 46


Smoke a Pound in a Single Bound!
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weedeater, you don't have to believe me but i really didn't see your flag. These things happen as i'm sure u know.
WhatUSaid on Monday September 19, 2011
makes stupid comments in a game where he really didn't participate
Rob Emery on Friday September 16, 2011
a douche
NoRegrets429 on Saturday July 23, 2011
makes stupid comments in a game where he didn´t really participated
CaiDice on Thursday June 23, 2011
Thanks for the game!
Gleekin on Tuesday May 31, 2011
a child
OysterJelly on Tuesday May 31, 2011
Do not ever help him. I 1/2 truced this player and when he got flags from others he killed me instead of honoring the truce. He spent the whole game talking about how lame flags are and shit too and then accepted weak flags and killed his partner. Real asshole. Don't ever trust.
Evil Empire on Tuesday May 31, 2011
Crybaby. Don't trust!
Pumpking on Thursday May 5, 2011
has a low tolerance. . . really sucks
FreeFalling321 on Thursday May 5, 2011
flag then attack, dont trust
RolandSmoke on Monday April 25, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary