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pga with toms
jasse11 on Thursday August 7, 2014
dosen't respect flags, is a fucking noob with luck. fuck you
trackder on Friday May 7, 2010
Does not honor flags. Pretty simple player to understand.
KneeJerk on Friday April 10, 2009
total ass, took me out when I was flagged 3rd and he was flagged 2nd
imanema on Sunday December 7, 2008
A soft dick. No good deed goes unpunished with this one. He was middle meat. I told him I would help him and then attacked Molle (who was, at the time, dk42's biggest foe). Later, I flagged 2nd. Molle flagged 2nd after that. Did dk42 help me (his ally who fed him the game) against Molle (his foe who would have owned him were it not for me)? No. He said "This is your fight." My fight? The only reason dk42 won was because I tackled his biggest threat Molle so dk42 could focus on other battles (after all, he was in the middle surrounded by wolves). When it comes time to pay back the favor, what does he do? "This is your fight." Ungrateful ass. By that time he was strong and it would have cost him nothing to help me. "This is your fight." If he ever asks for help, the wise man will look down upon this animal and throw his own vile words back into his fat, ever eating face. "This is your fight." Filthy dog. Not even a dog! Dogs do not forget a kindness done to them. He is lower than a dog. An overweight snake. He cannot be trusted in a truce. Luckily for me I owned Molle (a crybaby idiot) so I am happy but I post this message as a warning to anyone who is thinking of trucing with this asshole. He is a cur who receives favors easily but quickly (and conveniently) forgets when it is time to return the favor. Human trash.
ihateflags on Saturday December 6, 2008
Total cheat. Doesn't respect flags and lies
Si McC on Friday December 5, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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