Level 44
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Knows everything wrong with how I play and goes on at length to tell me how dumb I am and how I am just lucky. Thank, you, sir, for your help.
3.14159 on Monday February 9, 2009
the dude calls me a loser in the truest sense when he was 4th and i was 6th.....wtf, and i had much more points than him, someone needs a reality check. Then he has the gull to say I spent the game complaining to everyone when I never complained one bit. I never said dont attack me, why are u attackin me, or asked for a place. This guy needs to have his memory checked and needs to shut the fuck up because he doesnt know what the fuck hes talking about. Hes probably some sad little boy who sneaks on the computer behind his mom's back because no one else would be so disrespectful and rude for no apparent reason. Have a nice day =D
Reatsu on Sunday January 4, 2009
I play for fun; I have fun through diplomacy :) Beware of crossing mizike, he will go to any length to kill you and often will succeed!
alcaras on Friday November 28, 2008
attacks flagged players
Drugs Bunny on Monday October 20, 2008
hi mizike. "Learn to count" that was the statement. Well Mizike, all i can say is that you can try and fail. Two against one was not going to work for me; I was going to finish third even if i had 'counted'. When you say 'count', i think you are the one who misunderstood the tactics. And there are several tactics that can work but remember they are based on game of Luck. Not chess, you have control, luck.
4blue on Tuesday September 23, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary