Level 39
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Felix Le Britannia commands it!
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2011-10-30 FelixZ is a weasel, a chat jerk, and a web boy. In today's game, FelixZ had a flag from me first, then from two of the other three players (everyone but brown). FelixZ started attacking me round after round after round. First he attacked me, then later he attacked everyone but brown because everyone else condemned his actions, too. Even browned condemned FelixZ and offered to sit out in my favor since I had 2nd if FelixZ hadn't been a jerk. I declined, of course, because the 2nd place finish is nothing compared to the jerkiness of FelixZ. FelixZ felt ashamed enough of his actions to offer a lame excuse--"kill brown and end this"--but killing brown had nothing to do with FelixZ attacking me and the others again and again long after we flagged to him and he had 1st in hand. Please note that FelixZ did NOT say anything like "I do not accept flags." Common courtesy means nothing to FelixZ, rude jerk that he is. All chat below is verbatim as always. FelixZ is yellow, I am green. ++++++++++ Requetequete: LAG >O< ---------- FelixZ: yeah ---------- Requetequete: ? ---------- 3.14159: got to get to brown ---------- 3.14159: yellow is NOT accepting flags ---------- theSnake: i flagged you green ---------- 3.14159: you did? ---------- theSnake: yeah ---------- 3.14159: i missed it ---------- theSnake: like 2 rounds ago ---------- 3.14159: sorry everyone ---------- theSnake: you and yel ---------- theSnake: no worries ---------- 3.14159: i had major lag ---------- theSnake: yeah im having it too ---------- FelixZ: lag ---------- 3.14159: but yellow--lag doesn't account for attacking me ---------- 3.14159: and still doesn't account for it ---------- 3.14159: as you keep attacking me round after round ---------- FelixZ: kill brown and end this ---------- 3.14159: THAT is your excuse? ---------- 3.14159: you are a LOUSY 1st place player, FelixZ ---------- theSnake: ? ---------- 3.14159: just terrible ---------- FelixZ: lol ########## [Note: This is what FelixZ enjoys.] ---------- theSnake: i flagged you yellow ---------- theSnake: i am going for 3 ---------- omayer: womp womp womp ---------- theSnake: ...whats your deal yellow [Note: Even brown wonders why FelixZ is a jerk.] ---------- FelixZ: green is a moron ########## ---------- FelixZ: So he dies ---------- theSnake: what exactly did he do? [Note: What I did was to be in a position to be killed--that is all FelixZ wants. Someone to flag to him so he can kill them.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow is a lousy 1st place player and lousy Kdice player ---------- 3.14159: and my review oh him will reflect that ---------- 3.14159: of not oh ---------- Requetequete: Puf... ---------- 3.14159: FelixZ is a web boy--he needs no other excuse for his bad behavior ---------- FelixZ: right, because those reviews actually matter to anyone... ########## [Note: FelixZ sarcastically dismisses reviews--but watch him whine and cry like a baby about THIS review. Web boys HATE being called out on their bad behaior.] ---------- 3.14159: then don't whine about it when i leave it ---------- 3.14159: oh, is purple a moron too, FelixZ? [Note: FelixZ has started attacking purple, too.] ---------- 3.14159: just because you are a jerk, FelixZ, everyone else is a moron--to YOU ---------- 3.14159: and remember, FelixZ, no whining about my review of you since you say reviews don't matter ---------- 3.14159: no whining or complaining or leaving me a bad review ---------- 3.14159: since you are above reviews ---------- theSnake: green ill sit out ---------- theSnake: since i flagged ---------- 3.14159: no, no problem ---------- theSnake: or do you want me to fight? ---------- 3.14159: guys like FelixZ are likes the cockroaches and rats--we just have to learn to live with them ---------- 3.14159: they will always exist ---------- FelixZ has left ---------- theSnake: i know ---------- Requetequete: Well done yell, you are right ---------- Requetequete: *****Shit, ---------- 3.14159: Requetequete will get a review, too ---------- Requetequete: Well done green. [Note: Requetequete wrote yellow at first but corrected it to green (me) immediately.] ---------- Requetequete: ? ---------- 3.14159: ah, in THAT case--he won't get a review ---------- Requetequete: I have a mistake, but thanks ---------- 3.14159: i thought you were supporting yellow in his web boy stand ---------- Requetequete: It was a mistake u_u ----------
3.14159 on Sunday October 30, 2011
missing something in his brain.
omayer on Sunday October 30, 2011
FelixZ: fucking asians -------------------- racist
running turtle on Friday December 11, 2009
Likes to cannibalize people already flagged to him.
lpetrazickis on Thursday December 10, 2009
Of course, these being said by people who play like complete retards.
FelixZ on Wednesday October 8, 2008
must agree. douche.
beepa on Tuesday October 7, 2008
A real piece of shit. Farms like no other.
Hubbbs on Saturday September 6, 2008
Attacks flagged players who have already conceded to him. Acts like a jerk.
ScottMShack on Saturday May 17, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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