Level 66
to level 67 |
chronogameAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. fuck you mother prostitute moron dont respect flag idiot atack 2v1 dont respect play game moron.stupid player!
bivo on Saturday June 13, 2015 Had a very pleasant game with him. Honors flags.
iRescue on Saturday July 12, 2014 asswipe. Kill on sight.
CSEG on Tuesday June 17, 2014 backstabber and unfair player
chronogame on Tuesday October 8, 2013
????????????????????? can you please tell me what is this about? when i backstabbed you? why you wrote that?
celta on Friday May 16, 2014 jackass
crzywabbit on Thursday May 15, 2014 hypocrite son of a bitch, takes the help, take the silent truce and then stab
Maser on Sunday April 27, 2014 nice and fair player
Tiramisue on Sunday April 13, 2014 Fair player
the-ferret on Sunday April 13, 2014 PGA with chronogame
Andyboy84 on Saturday March 8, 2014 Nice to see someone is honoring his flag for a change, thanks.
Vosje88 on Tuesday December 17, 2013 |