Level 29
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dont trust him, pga with darklordum stupid child, son of a bitch, learn how to play, backstabber, noob
F??? on Thursday January 12, 2012
Honourable player.
Rhia on Monday January 9, 2012
big asshole.. i wne t for 1st in a tourney, he flagged the 2nd strongest player and attacked me together with that guy
PRESIDENT N° 1 on Saturday October 8, 2011
pga with darkblue asshole player
akwroc on Thursday August 4, 2011
I like the PGA egg take over. lol
Lucky? on Monday May 16, 2011
unpredictable and hard to decide his diplomatic stance
CRABASSAULT on Thursday March 31, 2011
Old fashion son of a bitch, ignores the expression "to honor a flag", and leans onwards old as crap rules to support his dishonorable, disgusting gameplay, break a leg Darkblue, then have a heart attack and die.
Silentgun on Wednesday February 16, 2011
biggest ass around - killed me in round 1 right before i could do my first move (at a 0table). never saw such a bad player....Also possible pga with Subbastaa
ardnaxela on Saturday January 22, 2011
yea i killed u while u were flagged but u never told me in chat, gotta announce that shit dude
LordTsall on Saturday January 22, 2011
Very greedy player, will ignore flags.
jessyfrancis on Saturday December 4, 2010
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