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ButtersAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. did you beat warthunder yet bro
chiefChief on Thursday April 10, 2014 @Butters - just a quote from a family guy song. i meant no disrispect to anyone :)
Judasz88 on Saturday February 25, 2012 2011-09-16 Myriad ignores all the bad stuff--he only has eyes for me. Does he love me? No. Does he envy me? Perhaps. Moral clarity, wisdom, honor--these things ARE to be envied. But judges should have better perspective and better manners, right Dear Readers? The one who throws the first punch is culpable NOT the one who defends himself, but don't tell that to myriad. He doesn't care. HONOR BEFORE KDICE! never meant less to someone who should take it seriously (Myriad). All chat is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ [Note: I was minding my own business when I stopped by a game already going on. Myriad caught THAT but chose NOT to catch the first attacks on me by Butters.] ---------- Butters: hi pi bitch ########## [Note: Myriad doesn't seem to mind this at all.] ---------- 3.14159: Butters, you too are a chat jerk and web boy? who knew? ---------- Help, I'm a rock: flag teal and yello ---------- Myriad: hey blue ---------- Myriad: did it ever occur to you ---------- Mervis: lol ---------- Black Flag: what? ---------- Myriad: that either of us might want to move out ---------- Butters: you ask for child porn PI bitch you should be banned ########## [Note: This is the best Butters can do. Don't bother looking for anything better--it doesn't exist.] ---------- Black Flag: the semen on keyboard? ---------- 3.14159: Butters defends being a weasel, web boy, and chat jerk. [Note: This is a quotation from his reviews.] ---------- 3.14159: i see why you are whining, butters ---------- Butters: you are a pedophile ########## [Note: Myriad still does not seem to care. Butters can apparently say whatever he likes and HE is no troll.] ---------- Mervis: lmao ---------- 3.14159: you exposed yourself before as a chat jerk and web boy and are mad that i let others know too ---------- DrRed76: f it ---------- 3.14159: we "get" your anger, butters ---------- 3.14159: it will be okay ---------- 3.14159: nothing butters? ---------- 3.14159: take your time ---------- Myriad: hey blue ---------- 3.14159: google something ---------- Myriad: now you're making me unable to put up the 2 flag [Note: See? Myriad just ignoring Butters--his head is in the game.] ---------- 3.14159: butters, got nothing? ---------- Black Flag: teal, alreadsy moved the 7 ---------- Butters: i don't like you because you are a pedophile ########## ---------- Butters: that is all ---------- 3.14159: "that is all"--isn't that enough? ---------- Myriad: through your expansionist tendencies ---------- Mervis: you want to put up the 2 teal? ---------- Mervis: ill accept :-p ---------- Myriad: i can't right now ---------- Myriad: blue is taking everything he can ---------- Mervis: thats ok ---------- Black Flag: take 1teal ---------- Black Flag: i cant raise 3rd too ---------- Mervis: i can wait ---------- Myriad: there is a reason for that blue ---------- Myriad: YOU KEEP TAKING LAND ---------- Butters: i'll wait red ---------- 3.14159: here is butters trying to mute me (which i suggested to him)... ---------- 3.14159: Butters: mute muet mute mute ---------- 3.14159: still haven't learned how, butters? ---------- Myriad: hey pi ########## [Note: Myriad speaks. Will he say, "Ignore that troll, Butters." Don't bet on it.] ---------- Help, I'm a rock: help butters ---------- Myriad: go and troll elsewhere please ########## [Note: Such a mix of rudeness and politeness, but a negative times a positive is a negative. Equally, rudeness plus politeness equals rudeness. The please doesn't enter into it. It actually makes it look lame.] ---------- 3.14159: well, since you put it so rudely--no ---------- 3.14159: i'll just review you too :) ---------- Myriad: oh please do ########## [Note: "oh plese do"] Myriad: not the dreaded review ---------- Mervis: lmao your funny pi ---------- Butters: ooh no ---------- Mervis: pie ---------- Mervis: eskimo pie ---------- 3.14159: "oh please do" ---------- 3.14159: if you say "pretty please" i'll do it ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- 3.14159: take your time ---------- Mervis: pritty please gimme eskimo pie ---------- Mervis: or seximo pie ---------- 3.14159: nothing myriad? ---------- 3.14159: okay ---------- Mervis: weeee ---------- Butters: wheeee ---------- Mervis: does everyone get on your case pi ---------- 3.14159: if one isn't rude, i don't talk at all -- except to be friendly ---------- Mervis: well shit ---------- 3.14159: myriad fails to note that Butters started it ---------- Mervis: thats pretty deep ---------- 3.14159: HONOR BEFORE KDICE! right yellow? ---------- 3.14159: right myriad? ---------- 3.14159: no need to ask butters ---------- Butters: i haven't played a game with you before pi ########## ---------- Mervis: lol ---------- Mervis: i have ---------- Help, I'm a rock: gg ---------- Mervis: diff account tho ---------- 3.14159: read you reviews--all chat is VERBATIM ---------- Myriad: gg rock ---------- Butters: just came into a room where you were joking about reape ---------- 3.14159: your ---------- Butters: rape ---------- Butters: called you on it ---------- Butters: and you left me a review ---------- Mervis: theres no such thing as rape ########## [Note: Myriad noticed this.] ---------- 3.14159: MY reviews are VERBATIM--how about yours, butters? ---------- Mervis: just surprise sex ---------- Myriad: mervis ########## [Note: See? He noticed THAT but didn't notice Butters chats to me? "Please," as Myriad would say.] ---------- Mervis: what ---------- Myriad: that's pretty f-ed up ########## [Note: Myriad HERE takes care to bowdlerize his chat. Later he isn't so scrupulous.] ---------- Mervis: yea i know ---------- 3.14159: but that is okay, right myriad? ---------- Mervis: you figure it would be illegal or something ---------- Myriad: and it's not funny either ---------- 3.14159: i am a troll but he is fine ---------- 3.14159: take care in the words you use ---------- Butters: gg ---------- Mervis: but pi hasnt gotten in trouble yet ---------- Myriad: gg butters ########## [Note: Mean anything? Coincidence? Random typing?] ---------- Black Flag: gg butters, your good ---------- 3.14159: because i stand up for honor, justice, and wisdom ---------- Mervis: gg guys ---------- 3.14159: and civilized behavior ---------- 3.14159: against rudeness ---------- Butters: pedophile ########## [Note: Butters still thinks he is clever. Do you, Dear Reader?] ---------- 3.14159: against web boys, chat jerks, and bullies ---------- 3.14159: like butters ---------- Mervis: oh thats a problem ---------- Black Flag: gg all ---------- Mervis: yes gg ---------- 3.14159: i try to make kdice a better place, so of course the bad guys hate it ---------- Mervis: well played ---------- Mervis: i am a bad man ---------- Butters: show him your Pervis ---------- Mervis: i would ---------- Black Flag has left ---------- Myriad: CUT ---------- Mervis: weeeee nice cut ---------- Myriad: gg ---------- Mervis: was fun ---------- Mervis: c yea ---------- 3.14159: myriad also doesn't mention mervis's rules violating avatar, but so what [Note: The one with the cartoon of the pre-pubescent girl with blood jetting out of her body and covering other little cartoon girls.] ---------- Myriad has left ########## [Note: See? Myriad likes what in other circumstances is called "selective enforcement," but even that doesn't apply because I didn't start it and was never over the line. I was just defending myself and civilized behavior on kdice.] ---------- Mervis: everyone loves my avatar ---------- Mervis: SOCIETY ---------- Mervis: so its kind of liike breaking a state law when a federal law sais its ok ---------- 3.14159: we can either wallow in the sewer or keep out of it--you have made your choice ---------- Mervis: lol what do you mean? ---------- 3.14159: don't be embarrassed about it ---------- 3.14159: revel in it ---------- 3.14159: "see my degradation!" ---------- Mervis: i dont like to revel in sewers often ---------- 3.14159: "rarely" you would say? ---------- Mervis: thats a good way to put it ---------- 3.14159: you sure you aren't fooling yourself? ---------- 3.14159: whistling past the graveyard, as it were? ---------- Mervis: hmmm ---------- 3.14159: there you go! becoming humility ---------- 3.14159: good for you ---------- 3.14159: that is the first step ---------- Mervis: isnt the first step acceptance? ---------- Mervis: or wait. admitting ---------- Mervis: or something ---------- Butters: wheee ---------- Mervis: weeee ---------- Myriad is here ########## [Note: Back for the next game--a game I am playing in.] ---------- Mervis: wow similar ---------- Butters: ryan forgot my dice this game ---------- 3.14159: more Butters wit and wisdom (see his reviews)... ---------- 3.14159: Butters: eat turds ---------- 3.14159: do you know how long it took butters to think of that? ---------- 3.14159: weeks ---------- Myriad: hey pi ########## ---------- Myriad: stfu ########## [Note: Rudeness again from Myriad. THIS is helping the Kdice brand? THIS is making it a family-friendly, fun place to play?] ---------- Butters: yipee ---------- Mervis: lol u guys ---------- 3.14159: you do know what "stfu" stands for, right myriad? ---------- 3.14159: is that appropriate ---------- 3.14159: and do YOU know how to mute me? ---------- Myriad: how about shut the fuck up ########## [Note: Scruples come and go for Myriad.] ---------- Butters: how do you circumcise a whale ---------- Myriad: yes i muted you last game actually ########## [Note: See? He knows how but that isn't good enough for him.] ---------- 3.14159: that is correct, myriad ---------- Myriad: hence my using it becasue you keep talking bs [Note: "keep talking bs" is a crime on kdice of which only I am accused by Myriad. Butters and Mervis don't count, of course.] ---------- Mervis: i heard that joke before butters ---------- Mervis: do you wanna hear a joke? ---------- Butters: maybe ---------- Mervis: someone on here told me this one ---------- Mervis: yo mamma's pussy is so hairy your brother died of rugburn ---------- Butters: your joke made jdub leave ---------- 3.14159: you like that one, myriad? ---------- Mervis: aha ---------- Myriad: no not really ########## [Note: So weak against Mervis, so strong against me. But I am the one who wants a more civilized Kdice--do the others? Not by their actions, thus my reviews.] ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- Myriad: i prefer the less explicit ones ---------- Mervis: cant remember who told me that... ---------- Mervis: pie you hate me ---------- Myriad: like yo momma's waistline is so big she puts her belt on with a boomerang ---------- Mervis: yo mamma's so fat, when she fell over i didnt wanna laugh.... but the ground was cracking up ---------- Mervis: that beter? ---------- 3.14159: ask myriad ---------- Myriad: better ---------- Mervis: someone on here told me this one too ---------- Mervis: How many niggers does it take to carry a fence? ########## ########## [Note: Where is Myriad now? N*ggers is no problem if Mervis says it, really Myriad? That is okay? Really?] ---------- Mervis: BECAUSE THE BOTH SMELL LIKE SHIT! ########## [Note: Just more family fun here with Mervis--and Myriad looking on silently.] ---------- Myriad: yo momma's so poor that when i saw her kicking a can down the street and when i asked her what she was doing she replied "moving" ---------- Butters: i won't stab ya blue ---------- Butters: party on ---------- Butters: pi for everyone ---------- Mervis: pi ---------- Mervis: what was the circumference of your "circle jerk" ---------- Butters: Parkay ---------- 3.14159: what do YOU think, myriad? ---------- Myriad: i think i'm muting the both of you ########## [Note: Watch THIS equivalence that Myriad somehow finds.] ---------- Mervis: lol ---------- Myriad: if you're going to lower the tone ########## [Note: Dear Readers, Myriad simply has no moral compass--he cannot distinguish between good and bad. What more Kafkaesque nightmare-world-of-an-Internet-game-site do you want? Up is down, bad is good, good is bad. Myriad wants Butters and Mervis style chat to win the day. To honor, justice, wisdom, and politeness, Myriad says "Troll." Myriad: to that level ---------- 3.14159: let me be sure i understand--i am the one taking it to "that" level, right myriad? [Note: Cowardly avoidance by Myriad at this point.] ---------- Butters: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: not butters and mervis? ---------- Butters: flag blue ---------- Mervis: green im 4 [Note: Mervis has flagged to me and for 4th. I am fighting for 1st against the duo of Myriad and Chui Win Sung.] ---------- Butters: he likes four year olds ########## [Note: Butters certainly likes this theme of his. Freudian slip by Butters? Something on his mind?] ---------- 3.14159: thanks yellow Mervis: whos he? [Note: Mervis is yellow and being funny.] ---------- Butters: pi ---------- Butters: he pi ---------- Mervis: oh is his motto old enough to go to the store, old enough to get bred ---------- Mervis: or old enought to crawl they are in the right position ---------- Butters: click ---------- Myriad: well blue ---------- Myriad: you are kinda self destructing there ---------- Butters: oopsey ---------- Mervis: wowza ---------- Mervis: finally ---------- Mervis: butters do you actually watch southpark? ---------- Butters: maybe ---------- Butters: don't forget your towel ---------- Mervis: oh ---------- Mervis: i dont think your in the right character ---------- Butters: Timmeh! ---------- Mervis: conect ---------- Mervis: lol ---------- Myriad: oops ---------- Butters: ya ---------- Mervis: this is taking a long time ---------- Butters: pi do people always hate on you ---------- 3.14159: only the web boys, chat jerks, and bullies that i point out ---------- 3.14159: other than that--no ---------- Butters: uh huh ---------- 3.14159: civilized honorable people urge me on ---------- Myriad: lol ########## [Note: Such things mean nothing to Myriad it seems.] ---------- Myriad: talk yourself up pi ---------- Butters: so you're not a pedophile? ########## [Note: Something on your mind, Butters?] ---------- 3.14159: this is over your head, myriad--but don't worry about it ---------- Myriad: i doubt it really is ---------- Myriad: i just don't like your tone ########## [Note: Rank hypocrisy. It was HIS tone--calling me a troll--that was the 2nd attack on me after Butters started it all.] ---------- 3.14159: YOU are the one that called me a troll--so don't talk about tone ---------- 3.14159: it makes you a hypocrite ---------- Myriad: well you did come into a game ---------- Myriad: not having even played in it ########## [Note: Myriad CONVENIENTLY forgetting that Butters chatted his insult at me first. I had not said anything to anyone.] ---------- Mervis: no myriad he is not bound by this worlds rules and laws ---------- Myriad: and just started making comments ########## [Note: Does he believe this or is he just lying? You decide, Dear Readers.] ---------- Butters: Rocky Baltrolla ---------- Mervis: he just enforces them ---------- 3.14159: NO--butters said something first,,myriad ---------- 3.14159: as you will see in your review ---------- Butters: lol ---------- Butters: oh no ---------- Butters: the reviews ---------- 3.14159: butters HATES his review ---------- Mervis: LMAO ---------- 3.14159: he HATES it ---------- Butters: it made me commit suicide ---------- Mervis: i believe it ---------- 3.14159: not at all--but chat jerks and web boys HATE having anyone call them on it ---------- 3.14159: they want to act bad and have NO consequences ---------- Mervis: so would you say, that it would prove him innocent if he didnt hate it? ---------- 3.14159: "why can't i be rude and not pay a penalty?" they whine ---------- Butters: like bob barker ---------- Myriad: nah ---------- Myriad: happy took him to task ---------- Butters: so pi, are you not a pedophile ########## [Note: Myriad doesn't care about any of Butters remarks. He has chosen his side--the side of rudeness, coarseness, and incivility. May it serve him well.] ---------- Myriad: or at least tried to ---------- 3.14159: is that really as clever as you can get, butters? really? ---------- 3.14159: pathetic ---------- 3.14159: take more time ---------- Mervis: answer my questing pi ---------- Butters: you never deny it ---------- 3.14159: take a week and come up with something ---------- Butters: death by pi ---------- Mervis: suicide by pi ---------- Myriad: pi evidently dislikes me more than blue [Note: I am trying to help blue take 1st over Myriad. Blue needs the points more than Myriad.] ---------- 3.14159: you don't need the points--blue does ---------- 3.14159: right? ---------- Mervis: i need the points ---------- Mervis: :-p ---------- Butters: read your review it will explain everything ---------- Mervis: flag blue and teal ---------- Chui Wing Sun: i flag for teal ---------- Mervis: as you can tell by my nifty #4 ---------- Butters: Wang Chung ---------- Chui Wing Sun: green you can go to sleep ---------- Mervis: pipipipipi ---------- Myriad: ty chui wing sun ---------- Mervis: pipi ---------- Butters: pipi longstockings ---------- 3.14159: gg all ---------- Butters: gg ---------- Myriad: gg ---------- Mervis: took too long ---------- 3.14159: bad chat, of course ---------- Mervis: lol ---------- Chui Wing Sun: gg ---------- Myriad: gg ---------- Mervis: hmm why bad pi? ---------- #################### #################### Butters defends being a weasel, web boy, and chat jerk. ++++++++++ 2011-0831 jslevik is a consistent weasel, web boy, and chat jerk. His smallest problem: he does not accept flags but doesn't warn others that he doesn't accept flags--you find out when he attacks you. For the 3rd game in a row he lost because others turned on him when they found out what he was. See below for the chat from the previous two games. I did not play in this third game. ++++++++++ [Note: jslevik is purple.] ---------- 3.14159: hey, jslevik--i added to your review ---------- 3.14159: another game where you did not accept flags but didn't warn anyone about it ---------- Butters: dude, no one is going to read that ---------- Butters: just say what you mean ---------- Butters: 1/2 tau ---------- 3.14159: do not bother flagging to purple/jslevik--he does NOT accept flags ---------- Butters: it is a wall of spam ---------- alexeioleynik: double no luck (((((( ---------- 3.14159: weasel that he is, he won't tell you that though ---------- Butters: spam, spam, spam spam ---------- jslevik: this guy lost a game to me and is unhappy ---------- Butters: spamity sam ---------- alexeioleynik: guess that - FLAG PURP ) ---------- 3.14159: jslevik lost BOTH games that he should have won ---------- Butters: kill the flagger ---------- 3.14159: he had large leads in both games ---------- 3.14159: he lost them both ---------- Butters: go away ---------- Seth_: wtf is goin on here^^ ---------- Butters: or tell us about tau ---------- 3.14159: in the 2nd game, everyone turned on him when he attacked 2 players who had flagged to him ---------- Seth_: noobs tablE?? ---------- Butters: green flagged ---------- 3.14159: butters, just mute me ---------- Butters: mute yourself ---------- alexeioleynik: WTF is wrong with you people? ---------- 3.14159: or do NOT mute me but don't complain about it ---------- Butters: mute muet mute mute ---------- Seth_: ^^ ---------- Butters: stop yelling bitch ---------- 3.14159: typical, butters ---------- Butters: it's my party and i'll cry if i want to ---------- Butters: oh wait ---------- Butters: that's you ---------- 3.14159: yes, you and yours do cry a lot ---------- Butters: stfu ########## ---------- Butters: lol ---------- 3.14159: you chat jerks, web boys, and bullies--all the same ---------- 3.14159: no honor ---------- 3.14159: no consideration of others ---------- 3.14159: nothing new about you and purple, butters ---------- Butters: eat turds ########## ---------- 3.14159: butters, flag to purple ---------- 3.14159: see what happens ---------- jslevik: teal i want yhour babies ---------- jslevik: :) ---------- 3.14159: your kind usually says something about "f*gs" not "flags" ---------- Seth_: yeh? ---------- Seth_: suck ma dik 1st ---------- jslevik: sicks ---------- jslevik: sucks ---------- jslevik: hard ---------- jslevik: lol ---------- 3.14159: laugh out loud? really? hard to believe ---------- jslevik: i can smell teal's manliness from far away ---------- Seth_: no ---------- 3.14159: but wouldn't know honor if it him in the face ---------- Seth_: ur just being noobs ---------- jslevik: i sucked too hard ---------- Butters has left ---------- Seth_: lol ---------- jslevik: gross teal you like to leave a serious imprint eh? ---------- Seth_: ^^ ---------- 3.14159: try flagging, purple ---------- Seth_: ops ---------- 3.14159: OTHERS will honor YOUR flag--even if you don't honor anyone else's ---------- jslevik: 3.14 are you still tailing me?? ---------- jslevik: so sad ---------- Seth_: ur luk ---------- Seth_: lag ---------- Seth_: ^^ ---------- 3.14159: just letting the good men of the world know that the bad men do not always win--bad men like you ---------- jslevik: haha ---------- 3.14159: there is no hope for you, of course ---------- jslevik: you are such a saint ---------- 3.14159: i do this for the good men ---------- jslevik: lol ---------- 3.14159: i am no saint, but i do want to strive for honor, wisdom, and justice--you run from them ---------- 3.14159: yes purple? ---------- 3.14159: got anything? ---------- jslevik: honor wisdom and justice eh? lol ---------- 3.14159: google it ---------- 3.14159: we will wait ---------- jslevik: you should tattoo that shit on your chode ########## ---------- 3.14159: there he is--the purple we know and avoid ---------- 3.14159: so predictable is jslevik ---------- jslevik: i am absolutely flattered by the fact that i have people following me talking shit lol ---------- 3.14159: you HATE it but can't do anything about it ---------- 3.14159: chat jerks, web boys, and bullies HATE having there bad actions noted ---------- 3.14159: they want to act bad and have people remain silent ---------- 3.14159: you HATE it ---------- 3.14159: but you can't stop listening--or you would MUTE me ---------- 3.14159: how about it, purple--MUTE me ---------- 3.14159: this is the 3rd loss in a row by jslevik where he had a big lead ---------- jslevik: i love all of you ---------- 3.14159: Honor does win against dishonor. ---------- jslevik: i am jesus ---------- jslevik: also i am your god ---------- 3.14159: yes? ---------- jslevik: so you should probably go ahead and give me head ---------- jslevik: just you know to repay me for your existense and all ---------- 3.14159: can you try a little harder, jslevik--you are still at a 5th grade level and this is getting pitiful ---------- 3.14159: can you move up to 8th grade stuff? ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- 3.14159: no problem--i didn't think you could ---------- 3.14159: so i am not disappointed +++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2011-08-31 Again, jslevik does NOT accept flags but won't tell you that. A little time after I left my review (see below), I ended up at a table with jslevik. Chat jerk and weasel that he is, jslevik lost ANOTHER game he should have won. He had a large lead and, hypocritically, had assigned 2nd to teal when he attacked a flag player, teal turned on him, and everyone believed the 'warnings' I had given in chat that jslevik did NOT accept flags. So jslevik, the dishonorable, lost two games because honor carried the day. ++++++++++ [Note: jslevik is green, I am blue.] ---------- jslevik: :) [Note: jslevik notes that I am seated at the table.] ---------- 3.14159: check your reviews at some point, jslevik ---------- 3.14159: i left one for you ---------- jslevik: i love you ########## [Note: jslevik putting up an ironic defense against the shame he should feel. "See?" he is saying, "I don't care about your calling me out."] ---------- 3.14159: i know you do ---------- jslevik: watch out for blue [Note: jslevik here is trying to cloud the issue and get back at me a little.] ---------- 3.14159: only in your reviews... ---------- 3.14159: but if green is 1st, he does NOT accept flags ---------- 3.14159: he won't tell you that, of course ---------- 3.14159: you will find out when he attacks ---------- 3.14159: just like a weasel ---------- jslevik: what is so bad about weasels they are an integral part of food chains ---------- 3.14159: exactly--we just have to learn to live with the likes of you, green ---------- 3.14159: you are just another rat or cockroach--we can't eliminate you but we can learn to control you and live with the damage you do ---------- jslevik: blue you stink of failure ---------- 3.14159: did you google that, green? ---------- 3.14159: not bad ---------- millerman1: flag green [Note: The first flag to green; he does NOT accept it--as everyone finds out--but does not say so.] ---------- 3.14159: remember--green does NOT accept flags--he has a phony principle against accepting flags ---------- jslevik: i googled the helll out of your dad's bunghole ########## [Note: Again with the 5th grade stuff from jslevik.] ---------- 3.14159: there he is ---------- 3.14159: the green we know and avoid ---------- 3.14159: purple, green will not tell you that he did not accept your flag--he will just attack you win he gets an advantage from it ---------- jslevik: teal you are 2 ########## [Note: RANK HYPOCRISY! You cannot flag to jslevik, but he can flag for you. Pitiful.] ---------- Bartokomous: ok [Note: Teal reasonably accepts. jslevik has a big lead and is right next to him. Teal will soon see the truth about jslevik and turn on him, and we can enjoy the fun of jslevik BEGGING for consideration--consideration that he does NOT give to others.] ---------- Bartokomous: pls dont take any more of me ---------- 3.14159: see? jslevik is a terrible 1st place player--HE decides what everyone gets--he flags for YOU--he just won't accept your flag ---------- jslevik: ok teal ---------- Erathia: flag teal ---------- Bartokomous: ok ---------- 3.14159: jslevik, you flagged for teal--how does that not violate your 'principle'? ---------- jslevik: blue quit crying and play ---------- 3.14159: jslevik says: i play until i win or lose--that is why i do not accept flags ---------- 3.14159: crying? i beat you in our last game even though you had an enormous lead over me ---------- Erathia: i flag green of course [Note: Another flag wasted on jslevik--if only he would warn these guys that he does NOT accept their flags. Oh, but that would require HONOR, which jslevik does not have.] ---------- millerman1: flag teal ---------- jslevik: that NEVER happened ########## [Note: jslevik has no honor and is a liar. The two go hand-in-hand, I suppose.] ---------- 3.14159: check your review, jslevik--it is all there ---------- 3.14159: i copied our chat :) ---------- 3.14159: jslevik is just another chat jerk and Kdice weasel ---------- jslevik: dont forget i love you blue ---------- Bartokomous: dont trap me, brown ---------- 3.14159: i know it, green ---------- 3.14159: show how much you don't care what i say by pretending it doesn't bother you ---------- jslevik: your sphincter tingles with my love ########## [Note: More sphincter talk. jslevik has something on his mind.] ---------- Erathia: trap you from what? ---------- Erathia: purp flagged ---------- Erathia: omfg ---------- 3.14159: hmmm, but you did mention something about a "bunghole"--so maybe it DOES bother you ---------- Bartokomous: all vs green [Note: Teal sees the truth and acts.] ---------- Bartokomous: heattacked me ---------- 3.14159: of course ---------- Bartokomous: he attacked purp ---------- jslevik: teal you're my only ally ########## [Note: jslevik, hypocrite, NOW says he truced with teal, but he only 'gave' teal 2nd--they did not truce.] ---------- 3.14159: he DOES NOT ACCEPT FLAGS ---------- Bartokomous: and blue has been saying it all game ########## [Note: Yes. Yes I did.] ---------- jslevik: what??? ---------- Bartokomous: you attacked me ---------- 3.14159: and he LIES ABOUT IT ---------- Bartokomous: you attacked purp! ---------- Bartokomous: it just happened ---------- jslevik: ?? ---------- 3.14159: he is a weasel and chat jerk ---------- jslevik: yes ---------- Bartokomous: brown - what you going for? ---------- 3.14159: YOU decided, you didn't let others fight it out as we want to ---------- 3.14159: i am flagged to everyone except green ---------- jslevik: wow teal come on ########## [Note: jslevik's begging begins.] ---------- 3.14159: beg, green, beg ---------- Bartokomous: you attacked 2 flags ---------- 3.14159: BEG, GREEN, BEG ---------- 3.14159: please teal please ---------- Bartokomous: 3 flags, now ---------- jslevik: i dont understand i just know you said we were allied ---------- Bartokomous: not allied ---------- Bartokomous: you attacked all of us! ---------- jslevik: wow stab in the back?? ---------- 3.14159: YOU said it green--you said teal could HAVE 2nd ---------- 3.14159: we want to fight for it, not be given it ---------- Bartokomous: and then you attacked me ---------- Bartokomous: you jsut attacked brown ---------- 3.14159: you are a terrible 1st place player, jslevik ---------- Bartokomous: and you attacked putp ---------- 3.14159: terrible ---------- 3.14159: brown, i will quit in 3rd if we beat green ---------- Bartokomous: hahaha ---------- Bartokomous: i just think fighting vs 1st is more fun ---------- jslevik: wow you guys play like females [Note: jslevik likes to say things like this. He pretends to think it is manly to have no honor.] ---------- Bartokomous: you did screw everyone, green ---------- Bartokomous: how do you explain attacking all 3 of us who flagged you??? ---------- jslevik: i didnt ever screw teal? ---------- 3.14159: another staple of green's repertoire--acces others of being p*ssies ---------- 3.14159: accuse ---------- Bartokomous: you attacked purp and you attacked brown ---------- jslevik: yea but not you [Note: No morals, just relativism. "You shouldn't be upset that I have no honor--it did not affect YOU." Pitiful.] ---------- jslevik: !!! ---------- Bartokomous: a) who cares ---------- 3.14159: green, beg some more ---------- jslevik: i said you and i were allies i never said they were ---------- Bartokomous: b) blue was right ########## [Note: Yes. Yes I was.] ---------- 3.14159: beg ---------- Bartokomous: haha ---------- Bartokomous: i never said i was your allie! ---------- 3.14159: plead for it, green ---------- 3.14159: want it ---------- Bartokomous: i thought blue was bitching about last game this whole time ---------- Bartokomous: but he is 100% right ---------- jslevik: lol ---------- Bartokomous: you TOLD people what they do ---------- Bartokomous: and you attack flags ---------- jslevik: you guys all have ovaries ---------- dsjgdgdfghdf is here ---------- Bartokomous: and you're kind of a dick ---------- 3.14159: green is one of the 3%ers who try to ruin Kdice ---------- 3.14159: we honorable men can deal with the 3%ers ---------- jslevik: no im one of the few who play to the death and keep alliances that are spoken [Note: "Play to the death" and proud of it? Even if it means he has no honor? Pitiful.] ---------- Bartokomous: YOU ATTACKED 2 FLAGS! ---------- 3.14159: "alliances"? very funny ---------- Bartokomous: how do you explain that?! ---------- Bartokomous: and i never agreed to an aliance ---------- jslevik: i never attacked you teal ---------- Bartokomous: you did so ---------- Bartokomous: i said "pls dont take any more of me" ---------- ryanbooser1: ggg ---------- 3.14159: his one pitiful explanation is "i play until i win or lose so i do not accept flags" ---------- 3.14159: pitiful ---------- jslevik: you guys are cheap ########## ---------- jslevik: you play like women ########## ---------- Bartokomous: and again - you still cant explain attacking brown and putp ---------- 3.14159: gg all except jslevik ---------- 3.14159: i'm quitting in 3rd +++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2011-08-31 jslevik is an awful 1st place player. Even worse, he cloaks it under the hypocrisy of the following "principle" (paraphrasing jslevik now): "I play until I win or lose--that is why I do not accept flags." In our game, jslevik had 1st place in hand but kept attacking others--me in particular--even though we had flagged to him. He did not warn us of that, he just kept attacking thus affecting the rank of other players. In simple terms, just another bad 1st place player but with a slathering of hypocrisy on top. To clarify: I don't care if someone does not accept flags, but be a man about and be decent about it. Warn others that you do not accept flags, don't spring it on them and gain weaselly advantage that way. So if not accepting flags is sort of okay, why did I take so much time with jslevik? Because he was a chat jerk when he gave a smart*ss response to my first query about not accepting flags. I said something like "you have 1st place" and he said something like "then why is the game still going?" Thus my slowdown game at length. ++++++++++ [Note: jslevik is brown, I am blue.] ---------- barry gateaux: flagging is like 'i'm in a weak postion at the moment' ---------- chuckbillrow: oh thats very mu of you pi ---------- jslevik: i like you then ---------- barry gateaux: b'but am scared' ---------- jslevik: try to kill me [Note: Annoyed that jslevik is not accepting flags, I decide to withdraw my flag to him and make a fight of it. Here he has just asked for the fight.] ---------- barry gateaux: quick smoke ---------- barry gateaux: and 1 more game ---------- barry gateaux: you 2 will be at this for 5 minutes i think [Note: It took quite a bit longer than 5 minutes because I also played a maximum slow down game to register my protest against jslevik's methods.] ---------- barry gateaux: ))) ---------- jslevik: full of care [Note: jslevik says "full of care" to note my slowdown game.] ---------- jslevik: i like this blue guy ########## [Note: An old Kdice-jerk rhetorical device. Pretend to "like" the guy who points out you bad behavior.] ---------- 3.14159: like you, brown, like you [Note: A response to the 'full of care' sentence. I am equating my stupid slowdown game with his stupid "principle."] ---------- jslevik: full of care [Note: Again noting my slowdown game.] ---------- 3.14159: you are a man of principal--so am i ---------- jslevik: that was decisivie ---------- jslevik: but spelled like this: decisive ---------- 3.14159: this is your game--i'm just playing it ---------- jslevik: you know better ---------- 3.14159: i do know better, thus my objection ########## [Note: My objection.] ---------- chuckbillrow: wow pi is being down right omega ---------- jslevik: chuck speak the fuckin english ########## [Note: Trying to sound 'cultured' and/or 'educated' with me, jslevik shows his true colors with his 5th grader talk to others.] ---------- 3.14159: as i said, this is brown's game--i'm just playing it ---------- chuckbillrow: haha brown 3.14159 is pi ---------- chuckbillrow: pi is a greek letter ---------- chuckbillrow: i have oppions of each and every greek letter ---------- chuckbillrow: so im comparing blue (pi) to the one he is acting like ---------- barry gateaux: what do you think of gamma? ---------- barry gateaux: or alpha? ---------- jslevik: chuck i dont understand you and i also want to shit into your throat ########## [Note: jslevik is also a chat jerk if I did not mention it.] ---------- jslevik: just FYI ---------- chuckbillrow: not a fan of gamma and alpha is almost as bad as mu ---------- chuckbillrow: ... brown is acting very sigma ---------- jslevik: chuck ---------- barry gateaux: )))) ---------- chuckbillrow: yes brown? ---------- Lands_of_Lore: mistake of brown ... ---------- jslevik: your mother has genital warts that i transmitted to her ########## [Note: Classy jslevik, showing his true self.] ---------- jslevik: they were present even before you were born ---------- chuckbillrow: daddy? ---------- jslevik: thats what that knot behind your ear is, its the wart from on my penis ########## [Note: Nothing for me to add.] ---------- 3.14159: i'm accepting flags, brown, in case you wondered ---------- davidmichaelmarl: jslevik, that's cute. it's funny because you got them from your mother's vagina which I stuck my dick in multiple times. ---------- chuckbillrow: oh and at worst i would contract it tras-utero but it would never end up behind an ear ---------- Lands_of_Lore: cheat? ---------- 3.14159: you said you play to the end--is that rigtht? ---------- Lands_of_Lore: ^^ ---------- jslevik: yes blue ########## [Note: jslevik confirms his "principle" that he plays until he wins or loses. I ask this of him because I have taken the lead after trailing badly; I want jslevik to remember this game so I prolong it as much as possible.] ---------- jslevik: good game i would never insult you the way i am all too willing to insult this chuck woolery guy ---------- 3.14159: good, we wouldn't want you quitting while you have even 1 land ########## [Note: jslevik, if he is not a hypocrite, should play until he wins or loses--no flagging out or sitting out, unless he is a hypocrite.] ---------- 3.14159: since that is the high moral ground on which you stand ---------- chuckbillrow: woolery? ---------- jslevik: oh no blue we were off to such a good start and now i fear we dont get along ---------- jslevik: moral high ground? ---------- barry gateaux: there's a lesson being taught here ---------- 3.14159: yes, you do no accept flags because you play until you win or lose, right? ---------- chuckbillrow: woolery did you make that up er is that something i dong get ---------- chuckbillrow: *dont ---------- 3.14159: that is your high moral ground for not accepting flags ---------- jslevik: woolery, its something you dont get ---------- 3.14159: and for being to weaselly to warn others of that fact ---------- jslevik: if i flag now will you not consider me pitiful? lol ---------- 3.14159: too late to change my opinion of you now ---------- jslevik: bravery is included in every single action ---------- jslevik: genius ---------- 3.14159: here is proof of the decline of the West ---------- chuckbillrow: funny brown acts like a big shot but he is playing on a 0 table at the end of the month ---------- jslevik: oh so youre a man of the east eh? [Note: That one apparently flew way over jslevik's head.] ---------- jslevik: lol ---------- jslevik: lol ---------- 3.14159: no, of the West--and you represent the decline ---------- 3.14159: "look how BRAVE i am for fighting those that have no chance" ---------- 3.14159: "look how BRAVE i am that i have no manners" ---------- barry gateaux: but he's taking it like a man lol ---------- 3.14159: manners--the consideration of others ---------- Lands_of_Lore: go quickly pleas... ---------- jslevik: manners are sweet ########## [Note: We acknowledge jslevik's disdain for manners.] ---------- 3.14159: don't you mean to say "whatever"? ---------- barry gateaux: gotta love internet trolls ---------- chuckbillrow: i think pi needs to remember that it is the end of the month so brown could pga everyone but him and it would not matter ---------- Lands_of_Lore: -.- ---------- chuckbillrow: thats an idea lets all pge who ever joins last for the next game ---------- barry gateaux: boring question number 5685 ---------- 3.14159: you still stand by your principle, right brown? ---------- davidmichaelmarl: WOO! ---------- barry gateaux: why do people talk about the end of the month? ---------- 3.14159: you play until you win or lose, right brown? ---------- chuckbillrow: points reset at the start of each month ---------- barry gateaux: aha ---------- jslevik: as a guy who has studied the chinese culture and language for more than 6 years straight i find it amusing that you would mention the decline of the west ---------- barry gateaux: to 0? ---------- 3.14159: that is the principle you espouse to show why you don't accept flags ---------- chuckbillrow: yeppers ---------- jslevik: without even coming close to understanding the 'east' ---------- 3.14159: yes, try to bring it to a subject you are comfortable with--good idea ---------- chuckbillrow: i wonder is marxism still plays... he was cool ---------- barry gateaux: you're an angry young man who obviously gas some trouble in life brown ---------- jslevik: lol ---------- barry gateaux: i hope things get better for you ---------- chuckbillrow: gas=has? ---------- 3.14159: really? you laughed out loud? hard to believe ---------- barry gateaux: it's a bit sad you are this way ---------- Lands_of_Lore: it's not cool to do nothing .... ... . . .. ---------- davidmichaelmarl: ... are you not finishing him? ---------- jslevik: for the record i was respectful to blue ########## [Note: jslevik's record is flawed; he attacked me after I flagged to him then gave his phony excuse.] ---------- 3.14159: brown has a firm principle: i fight to win or lose--that is why i do not accept flags ---------- jslevik: he was the first one to lob an insult ########## [Note: This was not about insults--that came later--it was about bad 1st place play with a slathering of hypocrisy on top.] ---------- barry gateaux: get it over with for fuck's sake ))) ---------- 3.14159: not at all--your phony principle annoys me, that is all ---------- jslevik: and now he draws out the conclusion to this end just to make a point ########## ########## [Note: WOW! Draws out the conclusion! But wait--doesn't that notion, that there is a foreseeable conclusion, contradict jslevik's great principle? Yes. Yes, it does. Because if you can foresee the conclustion then you can accept flags and wait patiently while others fight for their spots. That is, the foreseeable conclusion is that you DID win even though the game isn't over, so accept a flag and wait.] ---------- 3.14159: WOW--brown has no principles after all ########## ########## [Note: jslevik quit before he lost. So much for his principles.] ---------- barry gateaux: at last! ---------- 3.14159: he just quit ---------- Lands_of_Lore: roflmao---- ---------- chuckbillrow: okay everyone we all pge teal ---------- davidmichaelmarl: why the hell can't i join? >:C ---------- 3.14159: jslevik = hypocrite ---------- jslevik: :) ---------- 3.14159: you quit, jslevik -- what about your principles? ---------- chuckbillrow: :( try logging out and back in ---------- barry gateaux: can we get back to banter now? ---------- 3.14159: "i play until i win or lose--that is why i do not accept flags" ---------- chuckbillrow: pge teal everyone ---------- Lands_of_Lore: a bit kidding... ---------- chuckbillrow: pge teal ---------- jslevik: i consider all the hub bub indication that i indeed have fans ---------- 3.14159: the phony part? jslevik is deciding who gets every other rank just like every other rotten 1st place player
3.14159 on Friday February 24, 2012 once i was out of lube, butters spread thin
ProbingUranus on Thursday February 23, 2012 douchebag
echacha on Tuesday February 7, 2012 Unpleasant to play with.
CammellRoeg on Friday February 3, 2012 psykopat peacemaker
Adolfo Machado on Wednesday January 25, 2012 no nonsense dude
jaytee00 on Friday December 30, 2011 peace of shit dishonors flags
@danburytrashers on Tuesday December 20, 2011 Watch out for him, he's really smart and devious. I recommend flagging to him round 1
Biqqie on Sunday December 11, 2011 |