
PLEASE anyone can confirm my real account : vermine (more details in About)
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About: Hello,
PLEASE anyone can confirm my real account : vermine
I cannot confirm it because bad mail registered and cant change it.
So just confirm it, or copy/interchange the right mail from this current "fake" account, and then you can delete this fake account123.
Current account vermine123 is confirmed with working mail.
The mails are little identical, so it's sure it's me. (just have to remove "filz" from the vermine mail)
Finally, and depending what you do, i will connect vermine account with the vermine123 mail (same password as before)
Two messages was sent to [email protected] with no response.
+ another mail to concierge that send me the confirmation
+ another mail that send me bonus
+ another to [email protected] (2017-01-06)
And i cannot post discussion.
Thanks for your help..

OK, do it or do not do it, i prefer simple vermine, but it's not so important at the end.. (but dont delete vermine unconfirmed.. :D)
In any event, Ryan look like he has give up with GPokr, or/and he would new user like me give up.. and i dont want to be a pain..
So at least, i just want you to tell to him that he is an idiot, because his poker website have more than an amazing potential..
So RYAN last move to WAKE UP ! before it will be really too late...
About the lag, it look it's strange bug, and maybe from the client side browser, i have an info that can be a critical info, maybe i can help you if you answer a day..
You have to fix it for the website restart..
I hope you have a good reason and i respect.
Very sad i just discover this website, and "empty", i still like it how it is great to play, the cards design i love, and only js needed, a rare pearl i think...

Many thanks for your time KC and gnice !
Age: 2021

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