![]() Level 72
to level 73 ![]() |
BugThug![]() This player has 1 contributions to the community
This player has been modded by the community
Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Acts like a baby. Holds non-sensical grudges. Will reject flags, so you shouldn't trust his. General stabber on a whim. Not to be trusted and kind of a dick.
Rafkrik on Tuesday January 23, 2018 ignoring my flag
k diva on Sunday January 14, 2018 STABER... evry game stab !!!! BAD PLAYER !!!!
IQ Genius on Saturday December 9, 2017 good player
HeavyMetalManiac on Friday December 8, 2017 A pretty professional player that does what has to be done most of the time even if those he's doing it to don't like it. On second thought you'll discover that most of the moves and actions are reasonable. I am enjoying playing against you - sometimes only on second thought.
Louis Cypher on Friday December 8, 2017 I thought Louis Cypher would complain. He is a sore loser. You can watch the game here and make up your own mind: http://kdice.com/games/80254780
He complains about me as well...
Janhalka on Wednesday December 6, 2017 Has matured into the respectable young man you see today...
Created on Thursday November 30, 2017 Doesnt respect flags
freakstyl on Thursday October 26, 2017 sup slut
48430934809 on Sunday June 21, 2015 Takes life, and this dice game, a little too seriously. Probably a nice guy. Probably should reflect a little on what is truly significant in life. Would benefit from self-reflective meditation.
In all, I rate this player half a sideways green moon, with the potential to progress to three-quarter sideways green moon in the future.
Khradams89 on Saturday May 30, 2015 |