![]() Level 40
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LorasAdd a review about this player
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Armanelo on Saturday October 14, 2017 Haven't been on in a while and i see you haven't been either, hope you're doing well
Ciaran needs poi on Saturday January 31, 2015 backstabber in tourney
celta on Saturday July 19, 2014 good player, stuck around so I can have kill, thanks gg
JUSTcallmePRE on Friday July 18, 2014 (MacCoy meant "big big DICK")
Loras on Friday June 6, 2014 ass as hell, stabber no respect for flags
kikidice on Friday June 6, 2014 Big big CUNT.
MacCoy on Friday June 6, 2014 Decided to stab because I asked someone else a question and called him when he tried to answer himself. Called me a bitch in the process.
Killed him like a little bitch.
morninc on Sunday May 18, 2014 Backstabber.
arron on Tuesday May 6, 2014 Flagged me, and then stole my kill after the 3rd gave it to me and it was openly discussed. Douche.
Badblood on Wednesday September 11, 2013 |