![]() Level 56
to level 57 |
meme12Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. calls you a whiner if you lag and say anything about it. you really are a dumbass.
Lalita Lani on Sunday February 14, 2016 full of shit! PGA player
cipo3a on Tuesday January 26, 2016 ugly teamplayer
Terkal on Saturday December 26, 2015 At the end he decided to PGE with Bhivedine. Ignored real flag without any good reason. You wanna kill him at the very beginning rather than leaving the game to his 'sense of justice'.
TheCleanerPL on Saturday November 7, 2015 Great player!
Bhivedine on Saturday November 7, 2015 PGA with svartvit. and a piece of shit.
du11 on Sunday September 27, 2015 stabber
kaiosezzar on Thursday March 26, 2015 tries to act innocent but is a stabber
greeen on Saturday November 29, 2014 accepted flag and then killed me in a tournament. do not trust. saw him do the same to two others. since then stabbed me again. i flagged him figuring maybe i was holding a grudge. stabbed me again. seriously do not trust.
timquick on Saturday November 29, 2014 patetic player and patetic reviews...go out!!
7omas on Thursday November 27, 2014 |