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Reviews 1 - 7 of 7

Jox on Tuesday July 9, 2013
Flagged, then agreed to sit for 4th, then while in 4th he attacked 1st and 3rd place. Do not trust his flags.
aquaone on Thursday June 27, 2013
jubi on Wednesday January 30, 2013
I'd like to think that after being handed third by myself and second he wasn't trying to stab me for first, as second had already flagged. However, I'm fairly confident he was. I have this to say to you sir: You flagged me, and the other guy allowed you third over someone who played alot better than you (very generous in my opinion). Instead of being a prick and trying to grab first why not be grateful you didn't end up fourth or even fifth as deserved.
Death-of-Rats on Tuesday January 29, 2013
pga with SconeLiQq
Sejo Vilic on Sunday January 27, 2013
Complete fucking asshole of a player.
Vulnan on Saturday January 26, 2013
2013-01-25 rewth is a Level 15 fellow-traveller of backstabbers. rewth is also a chat jerk. His little (and lesser) buddy, davimachao, is a Level 9 backstabber. The two of them are probably a PGA team of cheaters, but I will reserve judgment on that point. It still leaves the proven characteristics of backstabber and chat jerk. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. rewth is red. ++++++++++ 3.14159: flag green, flag brown ---------- Kdicequeen: bad restack grr ---------- 3.14159: green, i flagged to you ---------- 3.14159: but i withdraw my flag ---------- 3.14159: i forgot you are a backstabber ---------- 3.14159: i'll leave you a review later ---------- 3.14159: to to let everyone know you are a backstabber, davimachao ---------- rewth: what a baby ########## ---------- 3.14159: no, the garbage man ---------- davimachao: hahaha ---------- 3.14159: don't whine, red ---------- 3.14159: davimachao is the garbage ---------- 3.14159: i am the garbage man ---------- 3.14159: "hahaha"! ---------- 3.14159: brilliant ---------- 3.14159: ever read a book, red? ---------- Kdicequeen: red do you want flag ? ---------- 3.14159: red likes backstabbers ---------- 3.14159: perhaps HE is a backstabber ---------- 3.14159: are red and green a pga? ---------- rewth: lol play this fuck game quiet ########## [Note: Someday rewth will learn English.] ---------- rewth: u noob ########## [Note: Does ANYone still say "noob" as an epithet?] ---------- 3.14159: get mad, rewth ---------- 3.14159: get mad ---------- 3.14159: i LOVE it ---------- rewth: and more ---------- 3.14159: anything else, rewth? ---------- rewth: you are gay ########## ---------- 3.14159: speak up ---------- rewth: a lot ########## [Note: I believe rewth, in his sub-normal intelligence, is TRYING to say "you are very gay." Gay slurs are the top choice of chat jerks. It is their go to "insult."] ---------- 3.14159: i win the chat game! ---------- rewth: yeah ---------- 3.14159: the first one to mention anything "gay" related loses ---------- rewth: you are a true winner ---------- 3.14159: well, only compared to YOU rewth ---------- Kdicequeen: rhaa ---------- 3.14159: you are so bad it doesn't take much though ---------- rewth: sure ---------- 3.14159: "sure"!!!! ---------- 3.14159: brilliant ---------- 3.14159: what a baby ---------- rewth: mano ---------- rewth: esse mlk é retardado? ---------- 3.14159: brilliant!!!! ---------- 3.14159: davimachao can have 2nd ---------- rewth: usando exclamação ---------- davimachao: fe ---------- davimachao: ta ai? ---------- 3.14159: he needs the points ---------- rewth: quem usa exclamação vei ---------- 3.14159: they ARE pga ---------- 3.14159: how about that ---------- Kdicequeen: no he is backstap ---------- davimachao: ye ---------- 3.14159: no surprise ---------- davimachao: 3.14 ---------- 3.14159: "ye" ---------- 3.14159: !!! ---------- davimachao: flag =D ---------- 3.14159: backstabbing dishonorable ignorant fools are rewth and davimachao
3.14159 on Saturday January 26, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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