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PGA with pablo_escobar
Warcoulou on Sunday September 15, 2013
my last review is still good - just have to add a fact: Questinable PGA with tinder ##### serious? you fool call me backstabber on my review page coz i killed you after your round 1-flag, which got silently accepted btw? just remember for future games, mr. coward: round 1-flags almost always get countered and they clearly should get countered! wth should others die as first just bc they try to fight at least (and fail maybe)? your stupid lie in my reviews just prooves what kind of a player you are: you are a coward and a liar, you are stupid and a kind of player i honestly dont like. hope not to meet you that soon again. Mrs. M on Wednesday May 15, 2013
Mrs. M on Saturday August 3, 2013
Stabbed me and can't take consequenses :) Goes around, comes around
delzzz on Tuesday July 16, 2013
SHIT PLAYER, STABBER, KILL AT 1ST SIGHT -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
MATAAHRI on Saturday July 6, 2013
no respekt flags, bad player do not trust!!
yourassassin on Saturday July 6, 2013
fuck you mother idiot lair bad player create new acc moron and big lair idiot,dont respect flag,flag to me and kill me lair!!
bivo on Sunday May 19, 2013
goes to show what type of person this is when they are getting bad reviews from Mrs. M... bit of a dick
onemoretune on Thursday May 16, 2013
Cheap player, we both flagged someone and he attacked the guy we flagged to in order to get a strategical advantage. He never asked to do it and it won him the game. Cheap move, disrespected the boarders when we both flagged to the same guy.
818L8 on Wednesday May 1, 2013
no respekt flags, bad player do not trust!!
Proximo on Tuesday April 23, 2013
nice one rafrik, do the same review as I gave you
fastthink on Wednesday March 13, 2013
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary