Level 89
to level 90


Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it.
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 6:33 PM, Friday March 3, 2017 EST by integral
Great member of the community. Thanks for your continued support.

This player has been modded by the community

play restored. I can live with your explanation as to what happened in that tournament. +chat +play +post jurgen 6:23 PM, Monday January 18, 2016 EST
pga in tourney -chat -play -post jurgen 5:24 PM, Saturday January 16, 2016 EST

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nice player! sorry for the misunderstanding##
keybored on Saturday January 14, 2017
PGA with mr. anderson
bigdickk on Friday January 6, 2017
STABER... evry game stab !!!! BAD PLAYER !!!!
State of Heroes on Friday November 25, 2016
Knows what "honor" and "fair play" means...
AlbanBanal on Thursday October 13, 2016
So und etzad langts oida!!! I hob neamands was doa und du schei�t mi o!!! HOS T HOID SEIBA NIX ZUM ZOANG AUSSA A FETTN BIERWAMPN!!! HOB OIWEI AN RESPEKT VOR DIR GHABT ODA!!! OAN GRUND GIBSTMA!!!! ABA OHNE GRUND BRUNZTMA AN DE FIASS. Wia da kloane Bademoasta mit zwoa Kilo Muckis aber imma an Halk spuin, war doch kloa dass'd irgendwann oane fangst. SEIBA SCHUID!!! IA WOITS A SCHEK HENTS ABER JETZT MIASSTS MIT DE KONSEQUENZEN LEM. LECKTS MI, JETZT HABTS MI DAZU BRACHT, DE SAU NAUS ZUM LASSN UND I BIN NED ALLOA. HOBTS ES SCHO AMOI AUFAM STIER GRITTN? I HAB STIERBEITL!!! Und jetz hearst amoi zua siebzig Kilo Testosteron, sackgsteierts, 10% Körpafett und oa oanziga Muskel der si ned vo eich provozierendem Pakt STRESSA LOSST. LECKTS MI, KEMMTS DOCH I BIN UM ZEHNE AUFD NACHT MITM STOI AUSMISTEN FERTIG OISO KEMMTS HER!!!
<IMG SRC='http:/ on Sunday October 9, 2016
Very nice and good player
eljavi on Sunday October 2, 2016
lol^^^^ on Friday September 16, 2016
Good dude, good player. Sorry if I ever gave you shit in the past bro, my apologies.
Dick Tucker on Thursday September 8, 2016
This 3 players: -deffonotTimer -hcdug -Jack Barrows He made private server of this game kdice unfortunately he downloaded server from Rayana without any euro. He enter on table to table from 0 points table to 100 points table, 500 points table and he accused how bivo play game with bosnian mafia. He have night nightmare from player BIVO because he know she are low from BIVO player. Than cry and public accused how Bivo play in clan with Bosnian Mafia. She are not unaware that Bivo is the best player in world and hacker. He can't destroy his account's, he played with him and she doesn't know for that. Jurgen and Integral help : -deffonotTimer -hcdug -Jack Barrows when this 3 player pose from anybody, that man recieve - play - chat - re register. That know fair administrator and quick sanctioned. I will give you next reasons: silent trucing most of your games with Kurton/Gilipter is pga, take 2 weeks off -play integral 10:57 PM, Monday May 2, 2016 EDT This show how much is fair administrator. And show how much is fair, and he don't take ban with not inactive time. Soon Kdice Goodbye for all time. This i will upload on youtube to know that it is fair, and again he will again see to ban me. He don't know that i have 100.000 accounts. -deffonotTimer -hcdug -Jack Barrows Soon goodbye your's medals and months for you play without reason. All this Rayan must read and other player that are accused for Pga Bivo Kurton.
Osman Mal on Wednesday August 24, 2016
PGA with ireneo. just ruins the fun out of the game
Bloue on Sunday August 7, 2016
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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