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BenjaminASAdd a review about this player
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pice of shit!
mmcool on Sunday October 28, 2012 stupid, rassistic piece of shit who clearly should get banned (here a chat copy of the talk during a game): franksa: I did not mean to make a truce with u Ochsengesicht: she's a nazi BenjaminAS: you know what the germans did to the jew .... Mrs. M: but we did Ochsengesicht: pretty sure franksa: U did yellowfin is here franksa: I did not BenjaminAS: teal yel i a nazi gilbe: i don't think so BenjaminAS: kill the nazi Mrs. M: what a shit talker u are, ben.. Mrs. M: u are german urself Marlon Castillo: hey blue eliminated first yell and end Mrs. M: as purp is BenjaminAS: no i am not BenjaminAS: teal so u let the nazi win? Ochsengesicht: i'm not a nazi franksa: so the only bad guy here is gible, dont letting us fight 1/3. Ochsengesicht: i'm a salafi Ochsengesicht: much better Ochsengesicht: more powerful BenjaminAS: me too Bill1 is here BenjaminAS: teal Ochsengesicht: kill her Ochsengesicht: kill yellow Bill1 has left BenjaminAS: damn Marlon Castillo: lol teal Ochsengesicht: M you got a review Ochsengesicht: blue dont die Ochsengesicht: you got a mission Ochsengesicht: kill yellow Ochsengesicht: dont give up BenjaminAS: the gemans should have sent teals parents to the chimney franksa: dude franksa: just BenjaminAS: too franksa: shut up :) BenjaminAS: what an asshole gilbe: M is nice Ochsengesicht: there will be no virgins for you in paradise Ochsengesicht: FIGHT! BenjaminAS: i hope iran will send a nuclear device on damn israel Ochsengesicht: NEVER GIVE UP BenjaminAS: Mahmud Ahmadinedschad is my man yellowfin: what a retard BenjaminAS: fuck up the jews gilbe: you mean thumbs up? franksa: kill kill BenjaminAS: for killing jews ... yes Ochsengesicht: thumbs up for the anti-semite! BenjaminAS: alluha akbar Ochsengesicht: allahu akbar gilbe: 3 ways roll? Mrs. M: no franksa: would Ochsengesicht: gilbe? franksa: not be fair gilbe: ah, ok franksa: since I did not truced with u franksa: I did not lie franksa: ... Ochsengesicht: auschwitz can happen again pato7 is here BenjaminAS: the nazi will come and get you franksa: just kill me Ochsengesicht: we still have some of those camps here in bavaria Ochsengesicht: i'm pretty sure they still would fire up franksa: are u german? Ochsengesicht: yeah franksa: so why do u hate M? ##### NEXT GAME: BenjaminAS: green kill purp he is a jew BenjaminAS: good boy franksa: flag murti Ochsengesicht: who is the tart? franksa: ... pato7: flag brown franksa: ty yellowfin: i cant take that pato7 has left Ochsengesicht: fick dich...scheiß kanacke franksa: Im bad Ochsengesicht: kanackenschwein Ochsengesicht: drecks mullah Ochsengesicht: batschack Ochsengesicht: huren-fotzen-ali BenjaminAS: haha lastmurti: 1 2 brown? Ochsengesicht: oh nein franksa has left gilbe: maybe 1/3? Ochsengesicht: drecks kanacke Ochsengesicht: hoffentlich macht syrien die türkei platt gilbe: flag brown Ochsengesicht: assad rulz! der macht alles richtig lastmurti: ok ı flag brown gilbe: gl murti Ochsengesicht: murti du döner-drecksau Ochsengesicht: wie wärs mal mit ehren-selbstmor Ochsengesicht: d gilbe: i had to attack you once my 7 v 5 failed and i had to connect Ochsengesicht: bist nämlich eine schande für deine familie Ochsengesicht: und die schande wird ja für gewöhnlich immer gerichtet oder? Ochsengesicht: dein schwester übrigens Ochsengesicht: die vögelt nen juden BenjaminAS: der scheiß türke ist analphabet kann nicht schreiben manicminer is here gilbe: gg BenjaminAS: nur ziegen melken Ochsengesicht: nur ziege und esel kann er schreiben Mrs. M: sagmal....wann haben sie dich aus der psychiatrie rausgelassen? ..........and so on and on and on...
Mrs. M on Thursday October 18, 2012 backstabber
diemichi on Saturday October 6, 2012 |