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kid kinda sucks
im_the_man on Monday October 22, 2012
your motherfucking crazyyyyyyy if this guy plays with you on the table team up and finish him instant!!!!!!!!!!!!
sangicus on Thursday October 11, 2012
good guy, lacks skill though
monopalator on Tuesday October 2, 2012
If i could pick one kdice player to play with itd totes be this guy. I want his cum in or around my mouth
@T_RO_PRICE on Tuesday October 2, 2012
idiot doesnt understand the game
koki1212 on Tuesday October 2, 2012
absolutely right. he attacked me, flagged then and wanted respect for this flag. he doesnt understand this game. after that he started to badmouth. maybe just another poor kiddie in this game with no plan. maybe a dick. maybe both. poor gay
Fieselfink on Monday October 1, 2012
he is a dick, no respact flag
sosmet on Monday September 17, 2012
disrespects flags
Help, I'm a rock on Monday September 17, 2012
2012-09-09 -- Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA cheaters and chat jerks. For 20+ games I watched them help each other win 95%+ of the games even when I warned the others at the table about their PGA. Below, verbatim as always, is only some of the chat. Our three cheaters are none too bright, so they are quite repetitive and dull with their chat jerk rhetoric. Unusually, a chat jerk left a review of me before I left a review of him. Here is @TRO_PRICE's review of me on 2012-09-09: "a total asshole of a player. DO NOT play with this overweight fuck." See? No class at all these guys. Again, all chat below is verbatim, and it covers many games. ++++++++++ [Note: The sentences that are exact duplicates of the ones above them are actual chat--it is not an editing error.] ---------- @ahnbohwan: flag purp ---------- Soundso: finally thx ---------- patrickl: me too ---------- patrickl: : ( ---------- @ahnbohwan: flag teal ---------- patrickl: lol ---------- patrickl: gg ---------- ethanhodzic: green is a noob ---------- ethanhodzic: and a bitch ass hole ########## ---------- 3.14159: no one says "noob" anymore ---------- patrickl: < i do ---------- patrickl: purp end this ---------- 3.14159: you call people "noob" in chat as an epithet, teal? ---------- Soundso: cant lol ---------- Dan Gadbois: gl 2 all friends go go go lets warrrr woohoo lol ---------- 3.14159: monopalator + Moore = PGA (pre-game alliance)? ---------- 3.14159: there was no evidence last game because they were not winning... ---------- 3.14159: but a couple of games before that there was... ---------- 3.14159: neither one accepted flags from anyone except from one to the other ---------- 3.14159: green quit? ---------- 3.14159: well, that shows some character--good for him ---------- 3.14159: i take that as an admission of guilt ---------- 3.14159: but, he did quit--good for him ---------- 3.14159: oh, he was just kidding ---------- 3.14159: back to help his friend, Moore? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HEY BLUE EAT A FUCKING COCK ########## ---------- ethanhodzic: lol tro ---------- 3.14159: sorry, could you repeat that purple? ---------- 3.14159: didn't quite hear you ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YEAH EAT A FUCKING COCK YOU FUCKING NUMBER ########## ---------- ethanhodzic: bitch please ---------- 3.14159: you mad bro? ---------- ethanhodzic: yeah ---------- 3.14159: purple, what ails you ---------- 3.14159: oh, red, too? ---------- 3.14159: you mad too, red? ---------- 3.14159: you prefer cheating? ---------- ethanhodzic: hay purple lest fuck this guys ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YES THEY CAN EAT OUR BALLSACKS ########## ---------- 3.14159: can we indeed? ---------- 3.14159: you have no need for them, i guess ---------- ethanhodzic: lol yes they can ---------- 3.14159: never were going to use them ---------- 3.14159: speak up, purple--i STILL can't hear you ---------- @TRO_PRICE: DID U HEAR THAT WHEN I JUST FUCKED U BITCH ########## ---------- luke kaehne: lol ---------- ethanhodzic: blue bitch plaese ---------- 3.14159: "plaese"? really? ---------- ethanhodzic: real ---------- 3.14159: speak-y english, red? ---------- 3.14159: speak-y good one time? ---------- ethanhodzic: yeah i do dick head ########## ---------- 3.14159: google something, red--we will wait ---------- 3.14159: you googled THAT? ---------- 3.14159: impressive ---------- @TRO_PRICE: BLUE YOUR A FUCKING NUMBER ########## ---------- ethanhodzic: little fuxck face ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YOUR FUCK PIE ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YOU ARE FUCKING PIE ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YOU DOUCHE FUCK ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: EAT DICK BLUE ########## ---------- 3.14159: well when you find one, purple, let me know ---------- 3.14159: oooooo ---------- 3.14159: pwned u ---------- Soundso: lol what is going on here? ---------- luke kaehne: zing ---------- 3.14159: purple and mad am mad ---------- @TRO_PRICE: LOOK WHOSE WINNING BLUE [Note: "Whose" instead of "who's."] ---------- ethanhodzic: its right hear blue ---------- 3.14159: purple and red, that is ---------- 3.14159: "hear"?!?!?! ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- luke kaehne: just an arguement between blue purp and red ---------- 3.14159: right "hear"!!!! ---------- 3.14159: good one, red--your idiot act is so perfect ---------- 3.14159: red says, "watch me misspell 'here' so they think i am an idiot" ---------- ethanhodzic: your a dip shit ########## ---------- 3.14159: good comeback, red! ---------- ethanhodzic: that got fuck ---------- @TRO_PRICE: BLUE YOUR GUNNA GET FUCKED DUMBASS ########## ---------- 3.14159: really? when and where? ---------- ethanhodzic: your house with black dildo ########## ---------- 3.14159: boy, these guys are slooooooooow ---------- 3.14159: red knows a big word like 'dildo'! ---------- 3.14159: i'm guessing he is a sophomore in high school ---------- 3.14159: right? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HAHAHA BLUE SHUT THE FUCK UP ########## ---------- ethanhodzic: i m am 8th grader ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- 3.14159: you are embarrassed ---------- 3.14159: so stupid to be a sophomore ---------- 3.14159: okay, 6th grade ---------- 3.14159: is THAT it? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: EAT IT BLUE YOU MADE A BAAAAD MOVE THERE ---------- 3.14159: could someone get purple a working keyboard ---------- 3.14159: oh, he MEANS to do that? ---------- 3.14159: okay ---------- Soundso: ^^ ---------- @TRO_PRICE: COULD SOMEONE TELL BLUE HOW TO PLAY THE GAME? ---------- 3.14159: good one, purple! ---------- 3.14159: great comeback ---------- Soundso: stop capitalizing purple ---------- @TRO_PRICE: IM GUNNA KILL YOU NEXT ROUND ---------- 3.14159: say what i say and change a word ---------- @TRO_PRICE: GOODBYE ---------- 3.14159: good one! ---------- 3.14159: "GUNNA"! really? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HAHAH HAVE FUN LOSING FUCK FACE ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: BYE! ---------- 3.14159: oh, i think i just won ---------- 3.14159: because purple thinks he accomplished something! ---------- 3.14159: i win again ---------- ethanhodzic: suck a dick blue ########## ---------- 3.14159: if you had one, but alas, you don't ---------- 3.14159: pwned you again, red ---------- Soundso: suck a dick grey ---------- luke kaehne: lol ---------- @TRO_PRICE: BLUE LEAVE YOUR NOT EVEN HEERE ---------- ethanhodzic: lol ---------- Soundso: oh wait thats me ---------- 3.14159: then you are talking to my ghost? wow ---------- 3.14159: really, purple, don't talk to ghosts ---------- @TRO_PRICE: dude your a fucking loser ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you lost ---------- ethanhodzic: purple just i get 2nd ---------- @TRO_PRICE: go to another game. ---------- Soundso: are you 2 supproting green now? ---------- 3.14159: "purple just i get 2nd"--really? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: dude fuck off and leave ########## ---------- luke kaehne: na you get last, nob ---------- 3.14159: yes, they are a biker gang ---------- @TRO_PRICE: your not playing ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you lost, deal with it ---------- 3.14159: instead of selling meth, they play kdice ---------- 3.14159: purple HATES this ---------- luke kaehne: lol ---------- 3.14159: which i LOVE ---------- Soundso: purple supports green nice to know ---------- 3.14159: you HATE this, purple and red ---------- 3.14159: whine and cry more--i LOVE that ---------- @TRO_PRICE: ok ---------- 3.14159: they cannot ignore me ---------- 3.14159: they have no choice but to chat with me ---------- 3.14159: fools that they are ---------- 3.14159: i control them ---------- 3.14159: right boys? ---------- ethanhodzic: purple you take green ---------- luke kaehne: purple and green verse red, wow ---------- 3.14159: you tell him, red ---------- 3.14159: oh, dear--trouble in paradise? [Note: ethanhodzic thought he had joined the PGA gang, but he had not. They killed him off even though he 'deserved' 2nd. Just punishment indeed for ethanhodzic.] ---------- 3.14159: honor among thieves? ---------- 3.14159: red, please cry for us now ---------- 3.14159: what is that? you don't think it is fair? 3.14159: is that what you said, red? ---------- 3.14159: don't whimper so, red ---------- monopalator: get a life kid who lost ---------- 3.14159: this is SO great--now GREEN is mine, too ---------- 3.14159: speak up, green ---------- 3.14159: cry more@! ---------- 3.14159: you HATE this ---------- 3.14159: and i LOVE it ---------- monopalator: im a happy colony ---------- Soundso: green how does it feel to be an undeserved 2nd? ---------- 3.14159: that isn't the point ---------- 3.14159: cheating is its own reward to them ---------- ethanhodzic: were is gurgi or 1 of the mods ---------- 3.14159: if they won honestly they wouldn't like it ---------- 3.14159: the cheating itself is the point ---------- 3.14159: right red? ---------- 3.14159: cry red ---------- Soundso: i can see ---------- 3.14159: whine red ---------- 3.14159: come on, red--where is your big mouth NOW?!?! ---------- 3.14159: oh, is your FOOT in it? ---------- 3.14159: yes, i see it right there, red ---------- 3.14159: what a fool red is ---------- 3.14159: though he would join the "bad boys" and got killed for his trouble ---------- 3.14159: JUST what he deserved ---------- [Note: New game.] ---------- 3.14159: you don't mind a PGE do you, purple? ---------- 3.14159: just fair warning ---------- 3.14159: and blue, too ---------- 3.14159: PGE okay by you, blue? ---------- 3.14159: oh, and green--PGE okay with you, too, green? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: ready to lose again pie? ---------- 3.14159: 3v1? sure? ---------- 3.14159: you don't need another helper, boys? ---------- 3.14159: make it 4v1? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: sure if you want ---------- 3.14159: okay, 3v1 is about fair for YOU guys ---------- 3.14159: you are THAT lame ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yep ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: that lame ########## ---------- 3.14159: and it WAY undervalues me ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yep way ---------- 3.14159: i am worth ten times all of you guys put together ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yep ten times more ########## [Note: Is TRO passive-aggressive much?] ---------- 3.14159: simply because i have honor and you don't ---------- 3.14159: oh, here is the chat jerk and web boy part where purple agrees with everything... ---------- 3.14159: i say to show he doesn't care ---------- 3.14159: right purple? you don't care what i say? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: nope not at all ---------- 3.14159: you lies are not very believable. you know why? ---------- 3.14159: because you keep interacting with me! ---------- 3.14159: i win every time you do ---------- 3.14159: pwn ---------- 3.14159: Moore + @TRO_PRICE + monopalator = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: right boys? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat dick yellow ########## ---------- Moore: blow me ---------- 3.14159: when you find one let me know ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HAHAHAHAHAHA ---------- 3.14159: pwned! ---------- @TRO_PRICE: just leave ########## ---------- Moore: have fun not playin this game ---------- 3.14159: "just leave"!!! why? you HATE this, right? ---------- 3.14159: i win again ---------- 3.14159: i am winning MY game, green ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i love beating you actually ---------- @TRO_PRICE: stay around for the next game!! ---------- 3.14159: you guys have too few points to play at my table, boys ---------- Soundso: how sad do you have to be to make a 3-guys alliance? ---------- 3.14159: yes, 3v1 can beat me at the table, but i beat all 3 of you at chat ---------- 3.14159: many times over ---------- @TRO_PRICE: so then go play at your table and leave ours ---------- 3.14159: mad bro? ---------- 3.14159: purple HATES this ---------- 3.14159: which i LOVE ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you get a kick out of taunting people on an online game you overweight douche ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat cock ########## ---------- Soundso: flag brown ---------- 3.14159: how can one "taunt" cheaters like you 3? ---------- luke kaehne: flag green ---------- 3.14159: that isn't a "taunt"--it is pointing at the garbage and calling it garbage ---------- @TRO_PRICE: and never leaving ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you fat fuck ########## ---------- Soundso: gosh teal you are blind.... ---------- 3.14159: oh, poor purple! ---------- Andre Alonso: flag green ---------- 3.14159: cry more, purple ---------- Soundso: they have a 3-team pga... ---------- 3.14159: whine more, purple--i LOVE it ---------- @TRO_PRICE: ok ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i will do that ---------- 3.14159: i followed a 3-person PGA group one time--they won almost every game ---------- @TRO_PRICE: your capital letters really get the point across ---------- luke kaehne: oh ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- 3.14159: a 3-person PGA is VERY tough to beat ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eata dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- 3.14159: that is the nature of Kdice ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- luke kaehne: hmmm ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- luke kaehne: more of a 4 way alliance ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: eat a dick ---------- @TRO_PRICE: all i see is purple ---------- 3.14159: i don't think so, but maybe ---------- @TRO_PRICE: smoke purple ---------- @TRO_PRICE: bleed purple ---------- luke kaehne: you eat a dick, yeah i think we all know that ---------- @TRO_PRICE: ray charles to the bullshit ---------- 3.14159: poor purple is crying! i LOVE it ---------- 3.14159: he HATES this ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i LOVE it ---------- 3.14159: that is why he cries ---------- @TRO_PRICE: he HATES it ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i LOVE it ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i LOVE it ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i make CAPITAL letters ---------- 3.14159: and he mimics--because he is not bright at all ---------- @TRO_PRICE: to EMPHASIZE my points ---------- @TRO_PRICE: OH MY GOSH ---------- 3.14159: google something purple ---------- 3.14159: we will wait ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i BEAT pie ---------- monopalator: numbers boy is mad ---------- 3.14159: come up with SOMETHING original ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i EAT apples ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- monopalator: nerd raging ---------- 3.14159: can't do it ---------- @TRO_PRICE: matt DAMON ---------- luke kaehne: no the pie probably beats youj ---------- @TRO_PRICE: youj ---------- @TRO_PRICE: youj ---------- @TRO_PRICE: youj ---------- Andre Alonso: i flaged green ---------- @TRO_PRICE: he TYPES improperly ---------- @TRO_PRICE: youj ---------- luke kaehne: you, shut up ---------- @TRO_PRICE: youj ---------- @TRO_PRICE: youj ---------- @TRO_PRICE: youj ---------- Andre Alonso: flag green ---------- @TRO_PRICE: hes upset and i LOVE it ---------- 3.14159: brown is a fool, too, because he doesn't believe they are PGA ---------- Moore: you dont deserve 2nd bitch ---------- 3.14159: what a fool brown is, right brown? ---------- luke kaehne: they have a 3way pga ---------- 3.14159: we TOLD you ---------- @TRO_PRICE: he doesn't even know they're PGA ---------- @TRO_PRICE: PGA ---------- @TRO_PRICE: PGA ---------- @TRO_PRICE: PGA up my asshole ########## ---------- luke kaehne: oh and purple does ---------- @TRO_PRICE: PGA ---------- @TRO_PRICE: hes mad and i LOVE it ---------- 3.14159: brown was SO sure oh his own power ---------- 3.14159: he can NOT believe what is happening to him ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yeah he was SO sure ---------- @TRO_PRICE: he can NOT believe ---------- 3.14159: "why?" he asks ---------- 3.14159: right brown? ---------- 3.14159: do you GET it now? ---------- luke kaehne has left ---------- @TRO_PRICE: "why?" ---------- luke kaehne is here ---------- 3.14159: THAT is PGA ---------- @TRO_PRICE: dude your definitely over the age of 30 ---------- 3.14159: cheaters who LOVE cheating... ---------- @TRO_PRICE: get a life ########## [Note: Number 2 on the chat jerk list of defensive rhetoric.] ---------- @TRO_PRICE: THAT is PGA ---------- 3.14159: and HATE being pointed out ---------- @TRO_PRICE: and HATE ---------- 3.14159: purple is MINE ---------- @TRO_PRICE: hahah okay ---------- 3.14159: he can't stop unless i let him ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yep ---------- 3.14159: "yep"!!!! see? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you make me laugh you old fat fuck ########## ---------- 3.14159: here he goes again ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i guarantee your a middle aged overweight loser ---------- 3.14159: "look, NOW i don't care again" ---------- Soundso: Game Rules Game-to-game favors or alliances are not allowed ---------- monopalator: cause its true ---------- 3.14159: they want to cheat--they LIKE cheating ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yeah we LIKE it ---------- Soundso: just for your notice. and eough have realized your foul play... ---------- 3.14159: and they HATE having anyone call them on it ---------- Moore: its called grow the fuck up ########## ---------- luke kaehne: they want to be kicked off ---------- 3.14159: they will not be kicked off ---------- Soundso: if a mod sees it they will ---------- 3.14159: my question: how does green decide which one gets 2nd? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: we better hope a mod sees it then! ---------- @TRO_PRICE: report me please ########## ########### ########## ---------- 3.14159: tough one, right green? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: its that important that you can't just find another table ---------- 3.14159: "report me please"!!!! what a fool ---------- 3.14159: mad bro? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you OVERWEIGHT douche ---------- 3.14159: can't take it bro? ---------- 3.14159: you ARE mad, aren't you? ---------- monopalator: no just moved up a level ---------- 3.14159: right ---------- monopalator: ... ---------- 3.14159: you are running--cowards ---------- monopalator: no actually since we monopolized you noobs ---------- monopalator: we have enough points ---------- monopalator: so ---------- monopalator: im not making that up ---------- monopalator: you fat idiot ---------- 3.14159: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- @TRO_PRICE: actually your just ignorant as fuck ########## ---------- monopalator: what does PGA ---------- monopalator: mean ---------- monopalator: can you use () to let me know ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i watched Tigers Woods today ---------- monopalator: fucking homo ########## ---------- 3.14159: nevermind, green--it is TOO tough for you ---------- @TRO_PRICE: in the PGA tour ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yeah TOO tough for you ---------- @TRO_PRICE: hahahaha ---------- 3.14159: they ARE mad! ---------- monopalator: no cause im not overwieght ---------- 3.14159: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- @TRO_PRICE: John Malkovich take out yellow ---------- 3.14159: are you mad about that? ---------- monopalator: no are you upset by your rolls of fat ---------- @TRO_PRICE: dude apparently your mad, your the one that followed US ---------- 3.14159: blue, flag to them--they will let you be 4th ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you fat fucking loser ########## ---------- monopalator: and your lack of friends ---------- 3.14159: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: if you flag to one of them you might get 4th ---------- 3.14159: if they let you ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: mimic me more, TRO ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: there--he does EXACTLY what i say to do ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: right TRO? ---------- 3.14159: fair warning: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: if you flag to them, you will get 4th at best ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: right TRO? ---------- 3.14159: fair warning: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: if you flag to them, you will get 4th at best ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: can you save red, green? ---------- 3.14159: better try 6v6 ---------- 3.14159: he didn't try to save you, red!!!! ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- monopalator: cya yellow ---------- monopalator: faggot ########## ---------- 3.14159: don't cry, green ---------- 3.14159: purple has your back, red ---------- 3.14159: i can't believe green gave you up like that ---------- Moore: cya buddy ---------- monopalator: cya big guy ---------- 3.14159: some friend ---------- 3.14159: why not save red, green? ---------- Moore: hows ur fat life ---------- 3.14159: you don't like him any more? ---------- Moore: game over faggot ########## ---------- monopalator: big loss fat man ---------- 3.14159: you mad bro? ---------- 3.14159: you seem mad ---------- Moore: what do u think ---------- 3.14159: are you? ---------- 3.14159: i think so ---------- Moore: we keep fuckin ur day up on every game ########## ---------- 3.14159: you can't ignore me ---------- monopalator: no cause we are winning ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you CAN'T win ---------- 3.14159: you 3v1 to win at the table ---------- 3.14159: but i KILL in chat ---------- Moore: sweet life bro ---------- 3.14159: you guys have been slaughtered ---------- Moore: dude ur so good in chatt ---------- 3.14159: run over and backed over ---------- 3.14159: swept up and thrown out ---------- 3.14159: you guys are DUST ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- 3.14159: that was for blue :) ---------- Moore: wow that hurt me ---------- john malkovich: flag green ---------- 3.14159: doesn't accept flag from anyone but his PGA boys ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- 3.14159: don't you read, blue? ---------- 3.14159: you thought i was kidding? ---------- 3.14159: uh, you boys don't really care if the mods kill off these names do you? ---------- 3.14159: you can get others, right? ---------- 3.14159: cat got your tongues, boys? ---------- 3.14159: oh, they are sulking now ---------- @TRO_PRICE is now level 7! ---------- monopalator is now level 9! ---------- Moore: yo i just like playin kdice idk what ur talking about ########## ---------- Moore: there is no alliance ########## ---------- Moore: its just luck ########## ---------- 3.14159: LOVE it, Moore! ---------- 3.14159: thanks! ---------- 3.14159: that made my day ---------- Moore: no problemo brosiden ---------- @TRO_PRICE: your fat ---------- @TRO_PRICE: as fuck ########## ---------- monopalator: fatass ---------- 3.14159: that is my best win over you guys yet ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you don't deny it ---------- Moore: congrats bromein ---------- monopalator: how much do you weigh ---------- @TRO_PRICE: did you get bullied as a child? ---------- 3.14159: "yo i just like playin kdice idk what ur talking about" ---------- 3.14159: SO great ---------- @TRO_PRICE: is that what this is about ---------- 3.14159: cheaters trying to change the subject much? ---------- 3.14159: what? ---------- 3.14159: speak up ---------- @TRO_PRICE: looks like you are ---------- Moore: kids with no life much ---------- @TRO_PRICE: fat fuck ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: tubby titsa ---------- 3.14159: no life, says the guy who cheats at kdice ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- @TRO_PRICE: sweat on the toilet ---------- ssmkwcdlcmstw has left ---------- @TRO_PRICE: sweat in bed ---------- @TRO_PRICE: sweat in the morning ---------- @TRO_PRICE: cause your fat ---------- @TRO_PRICE: as shit ---------- @TRO_PRICE: tubby lumpkins ---------- john malkovich: shit the bed? ---------- Moore: its sad that u acually care ########## [Note: Number 4 on the chat jerk list of defensive rhetoric.] ---------- 3.14159: Moore is you "slow" guy, right? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: rosie odonell ---------- 3.14159: not quite as half-smart as you bright boys, right red and purple? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yes Moore is you slow guy ---------- @TRO_PRICE: thats right pie ---------- 3.14159: i KNEW it ---------- @TRO_PRICE: not as fat as you ---------- 3.14159: @TRO_PRICE + monopalator + Moore = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: they are going to win this game ---------- 3.14159: right boys? ---------- 3.14159: they are sulking at the moment ---------- 3.14159: normally they pretend to revel in my pointing them out ---------- 3.14159: if they lose it will be quite unusual ---------- 3.14159: a 3-person PGA is very hard to beat... ---------- 3.14159: even if you know about it ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- 3.14159: now you have it, red ---------- 3.14159: good for you ---------- @TRO_PRICE: Moore + monopalator + @TRO_PRICE = PGA (pre-game alliance) ---------- @TRO_PRICE: go eat some weight watchers fatass ---------- 3.14159: they have won about 10 games in a row--or more ---------- 3.14159: i have only seen their last 10 games ---------- 3.14159: no one every believes it until they flag and get killed ---------- 3.14159: THEN they believe ---------- 3.14159: i flag to everyone EXCEPT red, purple, and yellow ---------- 3.14159: right boys? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: go on Dr.Phil explain your problems about PGA ---------- 3.14159: you guys are the PGA, not i ---------- 3.14159: YOU explain it ---------- 3.14159: cheating at kdice is SO fun ---------- 3.14159: for little boys ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yes that would be justice wouldn't it ---------- 3.14159: i don't care either way--i keep slaughtering you at chat ---------- 3.14159: that is MY fun ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you know what MY fun is? ---------- 3.14159: do tell ---------- @TRO_PRICE: knowing that your a FAT fuck gaming loser ########## ---------- Moore: explain how u slaughter at chat ---------- 3.14159: "explain how u slaughter at chat"!!! ---------- 3.14159: Moore keeps losing the worst ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: he just is slooow isn't he? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: respond to my last comment blue ---------- 3.14159: oh, you do care after all? ---------- 3.14159: we KNEW it ---------- 3.14159: see? they are fools at chat ---------- 3.14159: just idiots ---------- Moore: yeah im really bad at chat ur right ---------- Moore: tell me how to be better at chat ---------- Moore: i wanna be like you ---------- 3.14159: red gets 3rd, everyone ---------- 3.14159: unless he gets 2nd ---------- Moore: a fat fuck who complains allday about bullshit ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: better than 6th or whatever you got ---------- 3.14159: depends on yellow's mood ---------- @TRO_PRICE: PUSSY ---------- 3.14159: mad bro? ---------- 3.14159: methinks the lady doth protest too much--HE must be fat :) ---------- 3.14159: he seems fixated ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you don't deny it ---------- 3.14159: are you fixated, TRO? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: deny it ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you know your fat ---------- 3.14159: you do? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: do you go swimming in the summer? ---------- 3.14159: amazing ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i bet not ---------- @TRO_PRICE: because your fat ---------- @TRO_PRICE: as fuck ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i bet you can't run ---------- 3.14159: "YOUR"!!!! ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: what an idiot ---------- @TRO_PRICE: \i bet your embaressed when you shop ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i bet your embaressed about your weight ---------- 3.14159: just going to attack purple, brown ---------- 3.14159: sorry ---------- 3.14159: again--i am flagged to everyone EXCEPT purple and yellow ---------- @TRO_PRICE: go eat some milk and cookie ---------- @TRO_PRICE: s ---------- @TRO_PRICE: chubby ---------- @TRO_PRICE: were you a husky child? ---------- 3.14159: purple isn't too good at this ---------- ssmkwcdlcmstw: sry blue have to connect for a while ---------- 3.14159: THAT is why he cheats ---------- ssmkwcdlcmstw: blue, you can connect back if necessary ---------- 3.14159: no need--thanks ---------- 3.14159: better cut through, yellow ---------- 3.14159: save purple ---------- 3.14159: which way NOW, purple? ---------- 3.14159: hang in there purple and yellow ---------- 3.14159: you can DO it ---------- 3.14159: FOR THE PGA! ---------- 3.14159: neither one is any good at this ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: THAT is why they cheat ---------- ssmkwcdlcmstw: oh, misclick ---------- 3.14159: think hard, yellow ---------- 3.14159: "d'uh--what do i do now?" ---------- 3.14159: yellow is "away" :) ---------- 3.14159: hiding in the shower? ---------- 3.14159: remember, brown and green--i get 3rd ---------- 3.14159: yellow really is dumb ---------- 3.14159: and so QUIET now ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: yellow is hiding in the shower again ---------- 3.14159: purple, do you want 4th? ---------- Moore: you guys wanna turn on blue this kid is soo annyoing ########## [Note: Desperate now aren't they? SO great.] ---------- monopalator: green and brown ---------- monopalator: lets fuck this annoying fat kid ########## ---------- 3.14159: oh, poor cheaters ---------- 3.14159: can't take it ---------- 3.14159: i LOVE this ---------- 3.14159: purple, do YOU want 4th? ---------- 3.14159: yellow, do YOU want 4th? ---------- 3.14159: how about 3rd? ---------- 3.14159: i'll quit ---------- 3.14159: in fact--i think i will take 5th anyway ---------- 3.14159: why should i have all the fun? ---------- monopalator: no one is listening dude ########## ---------- 3.14159: another WIN for me in chat--over purple this time ---------- 3.14159: he broke ---------- monopalator: your the shit at chat dude ########## [Note: Yes. Yes I am--compared to these guys.] ---------- 3.14159: no, just 10 times better than you ---------- 3.14159: make it 50 ---------- 3.14159: you are terrible... ---------- 3.14159: so that doesn't say much for me ---------- 3.14159: but so be it ---------- monopalator: your fat ---------- 3.14159: "your"!!!!!!! ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- 3.14159: what a fool ---------- monopalator: so i know im much better off than you big guy ---------- 3.14159: "your"! ---------- 3.14159: "your"!! ---------- 3.14159: purple is edu-ma-cated ---------- monopalator: yup ---------- monopalator: hop off your nerd coke buddy ---------- 3.14159: "yup"! ---------- 3.14159: really? ---------- Moore: whats the story about pie ---------- @TRO_PRICE: IM BACK FAT FUCK ########## ---------- 3.14159: here is where Moore tries to be "reasonable"!!! ---------- 3.14159: i LOVE it ---------- @TRO_PRICE: EAT A GODDAMN CUPCAKE ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: FATTY ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YOU EVER GO TO WENDYS ---------- @TRO_PRICE: I BET YOU HAVE ---------- @TRO_PRICE: I BET YOU GOT A FROSTY ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YOU FAT FUCK ########## ---------- 3.14159: TRO doesn't care about acting weak like Moore ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WANNA GET A WHOPPER WITH ME ---------- 3.14159: TRO has guts that Moore knows nothing about ---------- @TRO_PRICE: OH YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE? ---------- Moore: 3.14 is a super cool name where did u come up with that ---------- 3.14159: Moore is TRO's baby ---------- @TRO_PRICE: THATS RIGHT YOUR FAT AS FUCK ########### ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WANNA GET AN EXTRA LARGE POPCORN AT THE MOVIES? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: OH YOU ALREADY GOT ONE ---------- @TRO_PRICE: I ALMOST FORGOT YOUR FAT ---------- Moore: that a pathetic attempt at breaking our friendship ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YOUR MIDDLE AGED AND FAT ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICL ---------- 3.14159: come on up, green ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- 3.14159: please go up, green ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WHOS CHEATING ---------- monopalator: why dont you cum in his mouth ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: NOW ---------- 3.14159: i want to quit in 4th ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WITH GREEN ---------- @TRO_PRICE: PIE IS TGA RIGHT NOW ---------- @TRO_PRICE: PIE IS TGA ---------- 3.14159: so you need to get yellow, green ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- Moore: ccant finish the job urself huh ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- Moore: so are you greens bitch now ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- ssmkwcdlcmstw: brown, what are you going to end this up? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WANT ME TO GET YOU A TWINKIE? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: FATASS ---------- @TRO_PRICE: FATASS ---------- @TRO_PRICE: FATASS ---------- @TRO_PRICE: FATASS ---------- @TRO_PRICE: FATASS ---------- @TRO_PRICE: FATASS ---------- @TRO_PRICE: FATASS ---------- 3.14159: do you think i have TRO? i do ---------- monopalator: brown ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOUY ########## ########## ---------- monopalator: grow a par dude ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WHO ARE YOU DUDE ---------- monopalator: pair ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WHAT THE FUCK ########## ---------- 3.14159: TRO is my meat--i chew him up and spit him out ---------- monopalator: like attack someone ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WHAT ---------- @TRO_PRICE: WHAT THE FUCK ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YOUR FUCKING CRAZY DUDE ########## ---------- 3.14159: wow--maybe Moore is the smart one after all ---------- @TRO_PRICE: IM GLAD YOU HAVE MY MEAT IN YOUR MOUTH ---------- @TRO_PRICE: SWALLOW IT BITCH ########## ---------- monopalator: pwnt ---------- Moore: its nice that u care gfag ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED THE JENNY CRAIG DIET? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: I THINK ITD BE GOOD FOR YOU ---------- @TRO_PRICE: OHH!! ---------- @TRO_PRICE: I KNOW!!! ---------- @TRO_PRICE: BIGGEST LOSERS! ---------- @TRO_PRICE: THE TV SHOW ---------- @TRO_PRICE: APPLY FOR IT ---------- @TRO_PRICE: EVEN THOUGH YOULL PROBABLY LOSE ANYWAY ---------- 3.14159: finally ---------- 3.14159: yellow is SO dumb ---------- @TRO_PRICE: YEAH HE IS SOO DUMB ---------- 3.14159: gg green ---------- 3.14159: that was fun ---------- [Note: Missing a few lines, I think.] ---------- trickster_96: no he's not ---------- 3.14159: if you flag to them they might give you 4th if you are lucky ---------- @TRO_PRICE: he has followed us to every room we've gone in ---------- 3.14159: of course, we beat them last game ---------- 3.14159: that was fun ---------- @TRO_PRICE: he doesn't leave you alone ---------- trickster_96: and i've played with him before ---------- @TRO_PRICE: we just want to play in peace ---------- monopalator: all i know is that ive been playing this game for 2 days and im higher rank than you and i have more points ---------- 3.14159: it is VERY hard to beat a 3-person PGA team ---------- trickster_96: then this is what you do ---------- @TRO_PRICE: alright trickster suck my dick ########## ---------- monopalator: soo lick my dick ########## ---------- @TRO_PRICE: you fucking douche ########## ---------- Moore: so ur a faggy stalker like him ########## ---------- trickster_96: 12 year old ---------- trickster_96: you guys are 12 years old ---------- 3.14159: monopalator + @TRO_PRICE + Moore = PGA cheaters ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yes ---------- 3.14159: fair warning, brown ---------- @TRO_PRICE: prepare to lose to 12 year olds ---------- Moore: hahahah ---------- @TRO_PRICE: trickster are you overweight? ---------- 3.14159: if you flag to them they MIGHT let you have 4th ---------- trickster_96: nope ---------- @TRO_PRICE: ok good because yellow is ---------- 3.14159: TRO really is fixated ---------- trickster_96: and you're point ---------- trickster_96: ? ---------- 3.14159: either HE is overweight or he likes fat dudes/chicks ---------- @TRO_PRICE: he told us how he hates putting a bathing suit on ---------- 3.14159: one or the other ---------- Moore: ur still both ---------- 3.14159: TRO has found this one trope and can't get away from it ---------- 3.14159: he is fixated ---------- @TRO_PRICE: your right i love the fat chicks ---------- @TRO_PRICE: love that loose pussy ---------- Moore: on ur moms tits ########## ---------- trickster_96: do you know what a bathing suit is? ---------- 3.14159: i doubt it, TRO ---------- @TRO_PRICE: can i finger your fat pussy yellow? ########## ---------- Moore: yes... ---------- monopalator: trickster ---------- 3.14159: you do yours first ---------- monopalator: come on ---------- monopalator: that was horrible ---------- trickster_96: cut him ---------- 3.14159: 3-person PGA is VERY tough to beat ---------- Mryu: brown u allow me or not? ---------- 3.14159: even if you know about it ---------- trickster_96: tough, but possible to beat ---------- 3.14159: teal, don't worry about permission ---------- 3.14159: brown doesn't know what is going on ---------- trickster_96: teal just do it ---------- 3.14159: which is fine--he is only Level 8 ---------- 3.14159: nothing wrong with the way he plays ---------- Mryu: well ---------- 3.14159: he just isn't ready for this ---------- @TRO_PRICE: teal, as you have probably noticed these people are losers who can't stand the fact that they lose ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i wish you the best of luck ---------- 3.14159: unless you want 4th, teal ---------- 3.14159: then wait ---------- trickster_96: hahahahahaha ---------- @TRO_PRICE: nah i lied fuck you ########## ########## ########### ---------- 3.14159: you will get it ---------- trickster_96: you think i give a shit if i lost? ---------- trickster_96: it's a game fuck nugget ---------- @TRO_PRICE: why don't you join another game trickster? ---------- trickster_96: never take a game too seriously ---------- trickster_96: and i will ---------- @TRO_PRICE: thanks ---------- @TRO_PRICE: bye ---------- 3.14159: hurry up, boys ---------- 3.14159: let's start the next game ---------- @TRO_PRICE: go away loser ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- @TRO_PRICE: go run on the treadmill ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- trickster_96: no he can stay ---------- 3.14159: pick one, TRO ---------- trickster_96: personally he's a good player ---------- @TRO_PRICE: ok so go play with each other in another room ---------- 3.14159: and even better at chat where i KILLED them ---------- trickster_96: why would i? ---------- 3.14159: and keep killing them ---------- trickster_96: you just invited me to play another game ---------- 3.14159: we want to play YOU guys ---------- trickster_96: dumb shit ---------- @TRO_PRICE: no i didnt ---------- @TRO_PRICE: please leave ########## ########### [Note: TRO is REALLY scared of trickster? Or is he scared to have two guys who know they cheat right from the beginning of a game?] ---------- 3.14159: "please"! wow ---------- 3.14159: he IS desperate ---------- trickster_96: @TRO_PRICE: why don't you join another game trickster? ---------- 3.14159: he never said please to me ---------- 3.14159: he must really fear trickster ---------- @TRO_PRICE: no like a different game ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yes your right i really fear him ---------- 3.14159: TRO is funny (by accident) ---------- 3.14159: "your"!!!!! ---------- 3.14159: again! ---------- 3.14159: what a fool ---------- trickster_96: you're* ---------- trickster_96: go back to school ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know about that ---------- 3.14159: he STILL doesn't get it ---------- 3.14159: even now ---------- trickster_96: you are righr ---------- trickster_96: right* ---------- trickster_96: it is funny to insult 12 year olds ---------- 3.14159: i feel sorry for them to some extent ---------- @TRO_PRICE: im at college, so im already at school thank you very much ---------- trickster_96: you told me earlier, you were 12 years old ---------- 3.14159: their cheating is not forgiven, but you have to sympathize ... ---------- 3.14159: with their parents ---------- 3.14159: poor parents ---------- trickster_96: raising the kids wrong ---------- 3.14159: TRO is in "college" where they learn to say "your" instead of "you're" ---------- 3.14159: barber college? ---------- 3.14159: trucking college? ---------- trickster_96: special ed? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: http://awesomegifs.com/2010/01/om-nom-nomyspace-photo/ ---------- 3.14159: what happened to TRO? ---------- trickster_96: yeah yeah, we see that on your avatar ---------- 3.14159: suicide? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: http://2girls1cup.nl/ ########### ########## [Note: TRO is such a boy he thinks he is cool because he knows about "2girls1cup"--it makes him a man, you see.] ---------- 3.14159: LOL ---------- trickster_96: stayed in "sit out" too long ---------- Mryu: ? ---------- Mryu: i flag u ---------- Moore: k ---------- 3.14159: 2 girls 1 cup must be TRO's thing ---------- Mryu: for long time ago ---------- 3.14159: he is SO excited by it ---------- trickster_96: watching chicks shit, vomit, and make out ---------- trickster_96: everyone has a fetish ---------- 3.14159: he can't believe his wildest dreams have come true ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yes ########## ---------- 3.14159: poor parents ---------- 3.14159: and poor sisters ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yes poor parents ---------- Moore: flag ---------- @TRO_PRICE: where do you live? ---------- 3.14159: and poor girlfriends--if they ever get any ---------- @TRO_PRICE: both of you ---------- trickster_96: great white north, thanks for asking ---------- 3.14159: teal, they do NOT accept flags ---------- 3.14159: you are dead ---------- @TRO_PRICE: north dakota? ---------- trickster_96: you're clearly not in college ---------- trickster_96: if you don't know what the great white north is ---------- @TRO_PRICE: really cause im sitting in a dorm room ---------- monopalator: really cause hes in my dorm ---------- trickster_96: really? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: really ---------- 3.14159: barber colleges have dorms? who knew? ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i did ---------- trickster_96: then what's the Great White North ---------- @TRO_PRICE: lol ---------- @TRO_PRICE: rofl ---------- @TRO_PRICE: lmao ---------- @TRO_PRICE: lmao ---------- @TRO_PRICE: lmao ---------- @TRO_PRICE: lmao ---------- @TRO_PRICE: rofl ---------- 3.14159: TRO: "i'm majoring in haircuts!" ---------- @TRO_PRICE: again ---------- @TRO_PRICE: yep ---------- @TRO_PRICE: i am ---------- monopalator: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: "yep"! ---------- 3.14159: i win again ---------- @TRO_PRICE: thanks for noticing ---------- @TRO_PRICE: HOLD MAH DICK ########## ---------- 3.14159: TRO is crying now ---------- 3.14159: watch him cry ---------- 3.14159: this table next, boys? ---------- trickster_96: mainly to insult 12 year olds ---------- @TRO_PRICE: have fun dying alone fatass ---------- monopalator is now level 10! ---------- trickster_96: using the same insult ---------- 3.14159: TRO has to study some clippers ---------- trickster_96: priceless ---------- 3.14159: i'm going to follow them ---------- trickster_96: come back ---------- 3.14159: they lie because it is fun ---------- trickster_96: and let me know what room ---------- 3.14159: mono, you aren't really going to try to play without your two other PGA buddies? ---------- 3.14159: really? ---------- 3.14159: ah, there is one ---------- @TRO_PRICE is here ---------- 3.14159: TRO was lying, of course ---------- 3.14159: fair warning: we have 2 out of the 3 PGA cheaters here ---------- 3.14159: purple and brown are PGA ---------- Eyeless: brown's away ---------- 3.14159: they will have a MUCH tougher time as a 2-person team ---------- 3.14159: he is away until it is his turn ---------- Eyeless: lol ---------- Eyeless: ok ---------- sharpclaw: normally the way for pga ---------- 3.14159: i flag to everyone EXCEPT purple and brown ---------- 3.14159: though i may have to cross through sometimes to get them ---------- Eyeless: k ---------- Eyeless: ... ---------- 3.14159: oh, look -- TRO is back ---------- 3.14159: what a surprise ---------- sharpclaw: lol ---------- 3.14159: where did Moore go? ---------- sharpclaw: they bot ---------- 3.14159: he was here earlier ---------- sharpclaw: hah hah mono awat ---------- sharpclaw: u scare them off pi ---------- 3.14159: i guess so ---------- 3.14159: TRO too ---------- 3.14159: i am going to follow them ---------- 3.14159: bye
3.14159 on Sunday September 9, 2012
pga with monopalator and Moore -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
Groper on Sunday September 9, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary