Level 82
to level 83


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seems to be a good one
HeavyMetalManiac on Wednesday February 25, 2015
care to explain why you felt the need to stab me?
K-Man on Thursday February 19, 2015
PGA with Maser
Muzaman on Saturday August 30, 2014
honored flag and gave the kill
eurasianbro on Saturday August 23, 2014
Watch out for this player. Relies heavily on PGA in tournaments and regular tables. In tournaments "she" is mre blatant though.
Smoke Two Joints on Monday August 11, 2014
always the same stupid game - truce and pga in tournaments - its only boring and brainless.
Tippy G on Saturday July 19, 2014
puts kdice score on his resume. still wonders why he thinks about kei$ha whenever he goes to the bathroom. has some real spelling issues.
timquick on Wednesday July 2, 2014
nice game
kz0 on Wednesday July 2, 2014
Pretty rude.
I_suck on Sunday June 8, 2014
Absolute fucken retard. Cries after he backstabs me
Surfer_Eagle on Saturday June 7, 2014
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary