Level 82
to level 83 |
sw1ft25Dude chill
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Ojjj, srbine crni vraze, ima li ti ista od Turskog kurca draze. Ojjj srbine kukala ti majka, otac ti je Turcin, to nije bajka. Ojjj srbine peder si u dusi, zato Turcinu na Kosovu kurac pusi.
Pashaa on Saturday November 26, 2022 pga noobs
dainiusg on Tuesday November 22, 2022 Thank you
Aleksa_bre on Wednesday December 9, 2020 Ruins the game for everyone by being incredibly obnoxious. Very unpleasant player. He uses proxy accounts to give himself points.
Hijii on Saturday October 31, 2020 Hijii is a racist and calls me a gipsy. By "everyone" he means only himself when in a game all wanted to kill him because he is an asshole - my only alts are rew OviloFF and shadolin and you don't see me play with them
sw1ft25 on Tuesday October 27, 2020 Does not accept flags in tourneys from people who he knows will end up beating him.
Lord Death on Wednesday October 14, 2020 overall is nice to play with and have him at the table
schnomie on Wednesday October 14, 2020 instigating piece of....
k dicer on Tuesday October 13, 2020 The English term gipsy or gypsy[18] is commonly used to indicate Romani people, Tinkers and Travellers, and use of the word gipsy in modern-day English is so pervasive (and is a legal term under English lawâ??see below) that some Romani organizations use it in their own organizational names. Howeverâ??according to the few who study the Romani people and a large percentage of the Romani peopleâ??the word has been tainted by its use as a racial slur and a pejorative connoting illegality and irregularity,[19][20][21][22][23][24][25] and some modern dictionaries either recommend avoiding use of the word gypsy entirely or give it a negative or warning label.[26][27][28][29][30][31]
The Oxford English Dictionary states a 'gipsy' is a
member of a wandering race (by themselves called Romany), of Indian origin, which first appeared in England about the beginning of the 16th c.
gtzlat on Thursday October 1, 2020 didnt accept my flag. also bitches alot
dbdb on Wednesday September 30, 2020 |